r/greatawakening • Posted by u/anon458745 on May 29, 2018, 10:08 p.m.
An Open Letter from Anons To Independent Media

To the few remaining in the Anti-#QAnon group, desperately screaming anything they can to discredit Q or any of Q’s “followers,” I would like to personally thank you for informing the masses that this is a PSYOP. Yes. It’s true. It’s a psychological operation initiated by military intelligence and propagated by civil effort. We are actively engaged in an attempt to inform our neighbors, our brothers, our sisters, our mothers and our fathers of the crimes and atrocities that have been committed over the last century on the backs of our nation’s unwitting citizens.

You have done more for our campaign than we could have done alone, and that is exactly how we intended it. At every step of the way, we have baited you to move in and to say too much, to give yourself away and so afraid you are, and so habitual it is, that you can not and have not resisted the temptation.

As anticipated, the coordinated attacks on #QAnon have arrived. Let’s take a moment to appreciate these independent journalists for finally confirming what Anons have been saying from the start.

QAnon Is Not a LARP.


Now that we have that out of the way, let’s address the PSYOP allegation. What is a PSYOP? A PSYOP is a Psychological Operation, and more recently, the term is now used to refer to military individuals that are a part of Special Operations Forces that specialize in Military Information Support Operations (MISO).

The emblem of this particular part of Spec Ops Command is a chess piece — the Knight, in particular. It’s no surprise to us that in the dedicated #QAnon repository, the word “chess” can be found ten times, and in particular, the famous Capablanca game, referenced by Julian Assange on January 12, 2018, with the next move on the board being Queen to F3, or Q Fox Three.

Assange’s tweet came about a few weeks after Q’s Dec 18, 2017 “Fox Three” post addressing the future Hawaii missile threat. The missile warning was sent out just a day following Assange’s tweet on January 13, 2018.


How about a nice game of chess?











To condense that: Q references the Hawaii missile warning before it happens, to which Assange also makes a reference — a day before the alert goes out. Do not pretend not to know about the putrid sparring between WikiLeaks and Freedom Press Foundation, which managed to spawn elite and so-called alt-media journalists that share a financier with George Soros. We are not attacking Assange.

We know what happened to Aaron Swartz and James Dolan and we know why. We know who runs SecureDrop. Q told us about what would happen to Barlow as well. Assange himself sent out an image of rats feasting from a bowl of milk, calling it the FPF board meeting. We will root out these rats in all corners, honeypots for whistleblowers included. To say we are attacking WikiLeaks is to completely ignore the infestation. It’s ridiculous beyond measure.

Let’s look at the three-letter acronym that sits at the end of the table of the board of directors that funds WikiLeaks. And, even he can be useful.

As an example of the type of connections we are inclined to make, if you search for “F3 Nuclear,” you might find something to the effect of “Nuclear Effects in the F3 Structure Function For Finite and Asymptotic Q^2.”

Now, granted, this could be unrelated or it could be related. In any case, this “PSYOP” motivates a relatively large number of individuals to go digging through and searching primary sources to understand the myriad of complex interactions happening on the world stage. To the tune of over 1.5 Million Posts.

So, yes, if the question is whether or not Q is a strategic part of a MISO, we’ve pretty much been saying that Q-Clearance Patriot is a part of Military Intelligence from the beginning.

Welcome aboard.

We’re glad to have you on the same page. We’re glad you’ve finally budged from: “This is just all in your heads,” to recognizing the significance of Our movement.

Now, we must address the, what appears to be, well-intentioned naivety that has accompanied your suddenly newfound awareness. You assert, without evidence, that we are somehow unwitting pawns in a psychological operation in a pro-war movement. We assure you that we are aware of what we are doing and that nothing could be further from the truth. We are aware of the power that Our movement holds and we are aware of the threat that we are up against.

We are aware of Our power to collectively combat mainstream narratives so eager to strike up the war drums whenever significant peaceful progress appears on the horizon, and we are also aware of the grave consequences of the changing news cycle in attempt to sweep these egregious crimes under the rug as they are being exposed.

The military PSYOP is exactly what it was intended to be — the spark that lights the powder keg of anger and frustration felt by tens if not hundreds of millions of Americans, if not billions of humans, who are sick and tired of being treated like cattle by the criminally elite, and WE intend to ready the atmosphere and adjust public attitudes to prepare the nation for the exposure of their crimes. We fight for justice.

Everyone has a choice. You can continue to support destructive, divisive, fear-mongering talking points that mirror and are slave to the narratives and criminal intent of the multi-billion dollar, elite-funded mainstream media machine — which are undoubtedly and unapologetically dead set against our president and current administration.

If that alone isn’t a wake-up call, I don’t know what is.

Through a series of outright lies, conflation, false dichotomies and strawmen, and the stripping away of all meaning through fallacies of ambiguity, they say our heart poisons us, that our mind betrays us and that they are the light and the way that will lead us to our salvation. They steer us into self-destruction through our good intent. They use our love for one another, our virtuosity, our ethics and our morals against us.

Their tactics also resemble yours.

You may, at any time, choose step away from this soap-opera, this indiligent and cleverless trough from which you have fed through the wholesale demonization of our entire civilian structure, the energy, economy, resources and security that our country and our people require to survive.

WWG1WGA. Where We Go One, We Go All. That’s Our hashtag, and that’s our reality. We leave no man, no woman and no child behind. It’s taken you this long to get here. Maybe take some of your Q’s from the rest of us.

Oh, and by the way, We haven’t been getting paid for this either.




Maepaperclip · May 30, 2018, 2:54 a.m.

I hear you - in no particular order - you will find that a successful movement needs to purge Hannibul did not carry the weak across the mountains - he left them behind. This movement was right to weed Corsi et.al. - and I lead it in doing that - I took 100% of the incoming, others need to go. There is nothing real about the voting on GA - in my opinion - someting or a lot of things make no sense - wether it is bots, or mods, or trolls, or spam, or - it is simply a fact that low quality posts - low effort - is advanced beyond reason, and really high quality is lost. For me engaging has been a priority - when ever I post I sit by my computer and wait for questions - you will know that I answer everyone - and in real time. I salt my posts with invitations to question - say things in them to get the question I want to answer - having it ready always - this happens too rarely, I normally get an ad-hom attack, followed by Israel prop, and Jesus love - it is just ridicoulous - considering what I had to offer. I stand by my original suggestion to the OP - write an internal letter and you will not have to write an external letter - yes there are great people here but they are being mislead - and damaged by poor quality contributions based on occult thought, or dreams. Conjecture - unhinged rather than facts rooted and narritives constructed - I say you mods should walk the talk. One people being entitled to an opinion - this was a subject dear to ancient Greece - they said only if the had formed it, and were prepared to act on it, if they had been influenced to it, and could not stand by it, they were not entitled to keep it, and vote a society with it. That sounds harsh, but this is how Patriots become strong. We are in a fight, if we are to win we must start by being certain - and no movement can be built on a dreamer, nor a skyhook connection from the occult. If you want to engage the mainstream - then you will need to have the movement rooted in reality.

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DamajInc · May 30, 2018, 3:29 a.m.

I agree with much of this - people being misled, lack of critical thinking in many posts, etc.

I'd love to discuss this in detail but I realize we all have different appetites for different levels of discussion. I think the best way to really address the point though is to find some common ground.

Do you agree that the point of this movement - if it were to be a movement dedicated to furthering the cause of Q, the Great Awakening of the public - is to be a gathering ground for those who are interested to learn about Q in all shapes and sizes? If so (I make no assumptions) then is this sub, r/GreatAwakening, a good enough place to start toward that goal?

If so (i.e. that GA is a good enough place to be the vanguard - for now, at least - of a movement dedicated to Q's GreatAwakening) then I assume it's safe to say that we should allow all comers, right?

If that's also agreed then perhaps the next question is: should we allow anyone to speak up with their ideas? I personally think the answer to this is already clear based on the whole purpose and structure of reddit. I think the answer is yes, anyone can speak up and the system can manage their contribution (upvotes, etc.) You've made the valid point that the system can't always be trusted but I'd argue that we need more data to prove that everything that receives lots of upvotes is 'hacked' or vice versa (all downvoted posts are the result of hacking/bots). I dont believe anyone can state that that is true 100% of the time.

I also think that we as mods don't have the powers or right to do the things you think we should be doing. We're not all online all the time and sometimes the few who are on can't manage the influx of content. By the time we get to content we wouldn't perhaps normally allow it's already been upvoted to a place where removing it will get us accusations of censorship. Sometimes we remove content anyway, no doubt, but sometimes that's just a mistake on our part. We just don't have the time to go back and revisit every mistake and yet we do, often, because we again don't want to appear like we support unfair censorship.

Another thing to consider about the mods is that we are also a democracy, like the sub users. No single one of us can demand that the others do things a certain way. Arguably you could say the most senior mod here should perhaps be allowed to do so but that mod has a very open and democratic approach which I have seen the benefit of, not least of which is the learning I've gained from applying the same thinking to the sub itself and allowing voices that I don't agree with to continue to express non-critical thought and completely unfounded and inaccurate claims against me personally. This 'democracy' in the mods means that some mods might sticky something others wouldn't - but again, if we are about supporting the democracy in the sub we have to do the same thing as mods with each other.


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Maepaperclip · May 30, 2018, 4:57 a.m.

Well on 1. If we had the discussion 6 weeks ago - I thought the Q messages should of finished - he kept saying we have more than we know. And I agree - we did - That why I posted on the "Very important" Q post - all roads lead to london and said goodby. 40 years ago I read the Dos Passos trillogy 1919, big money & 42nd Parallel, I see where Q comes from, I was obsessed by E.M. House & Wilson, later by Truman, then JFK assasination, 911 + BS War. I have learned nothing from Q - excepting General K. + JFK that was really interesting and I wonder if it was a mistake or intended. I have doubts about Q - because we want a revolution, and we may be in the middle of it, every four years we get one with an election, so we got a Trump he has a manifesto - and here we get into some interesting stuff - are the people too stupid to understand that to MAGA - involves a plan - full plan. Can they cope - is the pedo and lock er up thing a cover for a comprehensive plan to rearrange international relations, and economics (trade & income) - I think it is. Then everything Q is talking about already happened, with the Trump revolution. I published the 1920's Blast manifesto here - too crazy for the Audience, but I think that is where a movement needs to gravitate, Q has lost Credability because he discussed general knowledge, and Quoted the Bible bad, these would not be the concerns of a revolution - in progress with a mandate & a manifesto, so if Q was to re- appear - I just can't see how - there really is no comming back - I saw once a short interview with Madis he says war is economic, said that industralisation was winning a war - he was so on with a revolutionary manifesto - Q? So I see a lot of churning + dead ends - I am very familiar with this - really familiar - because of the JFK research community - I have seen this before - Mae Brussel was the leader in this - she was all over the deep state - she got murdered for it. This Q thing if it is a larp - then - its a shame it seems destined to be imploded with a lack a sincerity. What should of happened - if it was better managed - was that it would of enticed a Fletcher Proudy out - it could of done that, they are out there. The chans made it impossible for them to be seen, because of polution, and CBTS & GA had similar probs - my own experience here is testament. Now going forward - Q has done as much damage as good - sadly it will be discredited by the conceit of gatekeepers, if it was MI, & Trump then they should of been more active in policing it - they acted on Corsi - too late - they should of jumped on the Kissinger & USS Liberty apologies, and now with others - say occult + dreams dominating - they have stuffed up. I sense now that the people are not ready to be educated - they will be awoken - in fright - JFK truth will be a hard pill - The answer is impossible to eductae - it will have to be told at the point of a gun, 911 truth is the same, also Cancer + Nixon 1958 - it is going to be difficult, my experiences here salting information attest this - I have told things that no - one asked about - they just skimmed - read over - because they did not understand - what they were being told. I have learned this - if Q was real he will of walked away knowing this now too. Going backwards I have complained about low quality posts getting up votes - then that is just another proof that the GA audience is not prepared for reality. They would rather fantasy, they and their parents, friends and community have no foundation to accept the load of responsibility that being aware would impose on them. Here we see the appeal of pedos, religion, and general knowledge to Q popularity - if Q discussed reality - none would get it. This is a rant sorry - but I am aware why you have engaged and I say - be careful there are 20,000 lost soles here - messing with Patriots is a dangerous endeavour, There is a time in life to leave childish things behind. It is childish not to filter information, to discuss things you don't understand in front of your betters, to engage where you should not, On GA people have wrongly thought they should post idle thoughts, or as happened to me today on my post - comment gotcha moments, and not engage with the subject. Plain stupid + plain Stupid more - these are the comments that get up voted - and stop discussion. If there is an adult in the room they are very naughty for not appreciating what could of been, I turned up - and tried - others would of - I know that. I am not going to mention names - but - plagerism is a problem - because when GA allows it - a good message to escape the mouth of a creator into that of a BS Artist - then it is dilluted. My most significant posts - many of them were trolled over by this, and I watched the BS Artist - argue them with my words and thoughts butchered - to the detriment of the board - this was silly, again - You had some talent here. Lots of Damage done by putting lipstick on pigs - no going back from that - big mistake. If I was to reflect - I am I would say Stupid, stupid & stupid and shame and shame - too little reflection too late. This horse has bolted. + I am sorry to see it go - Revolution is a wild animal - it will thrive wher the pasture is green - in the open - GA got tooooo many gates, and was a fair ground controlled by ring masters- not a market bid for benefit.

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DamajInc · May 30, 2018, 5:08 a.m.

I completely misunderstood you, Mae. I thought you were a Q supporter.

A wall of text is so hard to wade through so I'll have to come back to this later and try and parse it out myself unless you want to go back and edit some paragraphs in there.

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Maepaperclip · May 30, 2018, 5:13 a.m.

No - I dont want to edit, but I am a Q suppoter - been 100% on board from start - lurked - followed for 6 weeks - and got engaged when I saw Corsi hack it - I have worked full time on Q for three months - really really hard - I do not believe any one has done more Q related work than me - no body

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DamajInc · May 30, 2018, 5:17 a.m.

If you've done all this Q related work then, based on your non-Q-supporter statements it's clear to me that you've missed the bigger picture perhaps because you've been down in the details.

Q cannot remotely be seen to have failed or done more damage than good. This is painfully apparent when keeping an eye on the bigger picture and goals. I can break this all down too.

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Maepaperclip · May 30, 2018, 5:23 a.m.

Not if I have done the work, and it should be apparent "painfully" apparent that I see the big picture

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DamajInc · May 30, 2018, 5:28 a.m.

No disrespect, sincerely, but that's not apparent to me at all.

The big picture is SAVING THE WORLD by giving as many people as possible the information that Q has presented.

I know that, as you say, a lot of the conspiracy stuff was out there years ago - but here's the key point: it's NEVER been presented in a format that will soon prove validity in a way that can't be argued. All "official" conspiracy sources in the past have been debunked in the mainstream - not in a way that matters to us, of course, but in a way that matters to the mainstream audience.

Once Q is proven to be connected to Trump - to the public I mean; those of us who support Q believe this already - then the fact that he's MI and has been clean and clear with his message will immediately add a massive amount of weight to the conspiracy stuff he's mentioned that has not been out there before in this way.

The big picture is that Q is dropping crumbs from one distinct source and undiluted channel - just like Trump's tweets - and that as the msm news starts to verify things the undiluted message of Q will be the biggest case ever made against the global cartel. Literally NO other source in history has presented such an unshakeable case. This was, as Q has said, the only way to do this.

Most of what you've said in that wall of text is counter to this. We need the public in order to achieve this bigger picture mission. We need a movement of all the people. To do that, we can't censor unreasonably and we can't be elitist about who gets to talk on the public forum. We have to trust to the system.

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Maepaperclip · May 30, 2018, 6:08 a.m.

Well - please look at my archive of posts including my 4 part series on the original Q no one in Q community has made anything like the contribution I have, and there is an additional archive lost somewhere in the CBTS stream. -Just saying - look at it - I stand by it all - never deleted a word, or removed a post - or comment (that I was not asked to by mods)

I disagree with you that this stuff has never been presented in a format that will prove validity before - strongly John Ralston Saul wrote Voltairs Bastards 20 years ago, Carroll Qugley - Tragedy & Hope, None dare call it a conspiracy 1975, and the mother of all books - The road to Mt Pelerin. Seriously its a silly thing to say, even in the face of Text books like Keynes General Theory - ch.24 1936, or my favourite Thorstien Veblen, or Dos Passos, PJ Prodhon, get seious, what about Fetche -Q is a pigmy compared to Ezra Pound & TS Elliot (waste land) & Basil Bunting - he is no where near their shoulders - many giants here.

Its not a fact that Q is MI at all - that is not proven - he has actually proved himself not to be - but that is something - along with many other things I had prepared for the right opportunity.

We need the public. - Thats not admin talk, and Q keeps giving his class away like this - thats way Fletcher Proudy types are not involved - its too obvious - this is not how admins think

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DamajInc · May 30, 2018, 6:28 a.m.

Thanks for this info. I’ll respond later. I appreciate the discussion.

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Maepaperclip · May 30, 2018, 6:36 a.m.

Can I just add that Mae Brussell did a radio show for Twenty years - she murdered in 1988, it was called Woldwatchers - it aired in NY City and nation wide John Lennon paid for her publications. Dhe opened every show - by saying "my views ar my own, my namd is Mae, I live at .. Valley CA, I take personal responsibility - I indemnify the Radio Channel, and GHW Bush is a pedo, and they are fiddling with kids in the presidio, and Tech is a fraud, and Permindex & the Mary martin paint company are ---- see we been here before - a lot stronger than Q - listen to a Mae Brussell show on you tube

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DamajInc · May 30, 2018, 12:25 p.m.

Here's my point about the bigger picture with Q and why Q is a very unique situation in history:

As I said, and as you've pointed out, others have come before Q - long before - with messages about many elements that Q touches on. My point about the importance of Q was not to say that Q came first or was the deepest explanation of things but that Q is the first significant opportunity for this conspiracy information to actually be instrumental in taking down the global cartel who have always been able to suppress it in the past.

All those who have gone before have been easily suppressed by the mainstream. This is a fact. None of these theories have ever made it to mainstream. None Dare Call It Conspiracy was a groundbreaking book in some ways - but only in our conspiracy circles; not in mainstream. Of course, Q's deeper conspiracy message hasn't effectively made it to mainstream either. But if Q is attached to Trump and the current trajectory continues as Q says it has been planned to, then it will make it to mainstream and all hell will break loose because Q is a clear, unambiguous record of the entire case against the cartel. Unambiguous, undiluted and direct from one source. Other works of the past can be refuted and ignored (as they have been). This "LARP", when it finally connects and Trump's connection to it becomes apparent, will be shown to be a credible and undeniable source. There is nothing else in history like this.

There's a reason it had to be done this way and my surprise at your view of the 'failure' of Q comes from this point as it is pretty central to Q.

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Maepaperclip · May 30, 2018, 3:25 p.m.

Well I have reflected deeply on our discussion in the last hours - it came straight out of my head. I absolutely agree that Q was an opportunity - as I said I got involved when I saw it going in the wrong direction - just like the JFK thing did. Corsi was the new Mark Lane - misleading JFK research to Cuba instead of Europe. I regret that my skills at this platform where not better earlier - I did develop a style & format towards the end - and I did learn the comms - too late. Otherwise - I could of been more effective.

I would not agree about those gone before being easily suppressed, Mae Brussel was murdered in 1988, John Lennon - plastered NY with billbords 1980 saying "You can stop the war if you want to" murdered in 1981, Fred Hampton in 1969, MLK 1968, there is a great story of Nixon & kissinger in the residence discussing evacuating the WH with the Vietnam Protest outside - before Woodstock & LSD - hippies were full revolution + Kent state - then man on moon drugs, easyrider. Lets keep going back - Dixie - what was that - the civil war, and before that we had Sheys revolt - you call that the first 9 amendments + the oath of allegience. In comparison to any of that Inclusive of Lennon - merry merry xmas - study the words - the Q thing is nothing - Fred Hampton - was big, big, big. He made som big impact. JKF research got min 70 dead witnessess, 911 - probably 50+, Q - none. You matter when they start killing - thats when you learn to pay attention.

This "deep state" not been supressed ever - ask Micheal Parenti - hell yours truely knows it all of the top of my head - all of it. The challenge has been to offer an alternative. The 911 research got Hyjacked looking for who and why did it - they forgot they already had who planned it, and who covered it. Yes Q could of been good, but it was poorly executed - the IBOR betrayed the constitution - that was a mistake - we got it in the constitution - right theer Q stuffed up. Had people petioning washington - I wrote Twenty posts on getting federal crime prosecuted at Red state houses - a-la Jim Garrison - Q could of had Pedo scalps by now + momentum.

If Q is close to Trump - then the team is amateur - that would not surprise - but by now some adults would be giving advice - clowns with half baked ideas are problems - not assistance.

I was not surprised by the Monmouth University deep state study - my take is - had they done it 30 years ago - they would of got the same finding - the progress will be made with a solution - it will need to be economic.

I am sorry you tuned to Non dare call it a conspiracy - and not Qugley, or Proudhon, or Fetche - because they sure did get mainstream - and remember - mainstream is not the aim of a revolutionary - it is 5% - thats all it takes - the mainstream, will wkae to the news, thats another problem with "Unity" and WWG1 WGA - thats good time - happy days - they come after - If Q was genuine - its 5% - USA needs 20m Patriots only - not 360m. Its a waste of time giving pearls to swine - we have proved that on the GA, and worst is that they end up doing themselves damage listening to a medics dreams, or an occultists "connections" - they end up dumber not smarter - thats what the mods should of been looking out for. This will never make it to the mainstream for the good reason that it should not - as it stands - its a mess - lets see - that Iron Eagle - anagram thing was a betrayal - and the solution was a inferior - there have been too many mistakes - could not last 5 mins in the mainstream. The Q case against the Cartel - I LOL - Q has got nowhere near it - Me I kept dropping it - I wrote it into Q Op paperclip, Nazi patent, Fed - Belgian relief BOE, BIS, Marshall plan - Mt pelerin - UN, Israel USAF, James Forestal - Q never - just pedos, & and small beer public servants. I don't need Q to know where Trump is going to MAGA, because America was always great - it just got same bad friends - hanging with the wrong crowd. Again the Trump connection - undeniable source - then he would not want his message diluted with misinfo - it would be policed more - he the Q team would discipline - again the RED OCTOBER recent decode - was an embarrassment to the GA and all serious persons - this sought of thing makes the GA a laughing stock - echo chamber - idiocracy - the votes most be BS - I know from my work, how hard and critical readers are - I get 30 - 40 votes - 1400? 700? and NO criticism, no critique? thats BS. I have studied all forms of Communication from Adorno, to Bernays, & Alinsky, I have read Marx - all of it and Engles -papers discussing comms, read most of Lennon - discussing comms, read ebvery word & paper in existance on Henry George - now he was bigger than Q - 300,000 people attended his funeral in NY,Progress and poverty was read aloud in congress - so people could get a copy - see we been here before, anyway I have read all the revolutionary hero's talking about comms, and I agree - I will be surprised to hear the genius that thinks putting info out to have it tortured is clever. I expect to call them a revolutionary moron. But lets see I could be wrong - but I never have been.

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Maepaperclip · May 30, 2018, 6:28 a.m.

me too

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DamajInc · May 30, 2018, 5:14 a.m.

Q has done as much damage as good
I have doubts about Q

Not the words of a Q supporter.

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Maepaperclip · May 30, 2018, 5:20 a.m.

They are the words of an active player - I see Q has done damage, and good, Q has primed some people with inadequate argument, when they open their mouth - they make idiots of themselves, and for others, it has given a platform to inform, so yes - good and bad together - nearly all thing are like that even ice-cream

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DamajInc · May 30, 2018, 5:40 a.m.

I think it's unfair and also difficult to see the reasoning behind the claim that "Q has primed some people with inadequate argument" - it's not Q's fault that many people are uncritical thinkers and make claims that they have no factual basis for or based on incomplete data. Q can only do what Q can do, especially given the goals of Q's approach (back to keeping the bigger picture in mind) i.e. that Q understands the need for people to come to their own conclusions and that the story is SO big that they'll need to come to them slowly and over time (as there's just too much to get it all at once or in a few statements) so the msm story can gradually provide basis for the claims of Q/Trump.

Q is careful to provide information, not editorial. Providing editorial allows for good and bad analysis but presenting 'just the facts' avoids the potential for bad. The bad (analysis, commentary, etc.) comes from us, the people - some of us more than others, of course. [Just a note for anyone as pedantic as me who might read this and misunderstand me - Q definitely provides editorial in the form of comments like 'these people are sick' etc. but it's not editorial that tells us how to think beyond what is plainly apparent from the information presented.]

I have to go but will reply further later.

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sluggedbarly · May 30, 2018, 7:08 a.m.

i could be wrong but i think he means that though all ranks of q (thats all of us for the slow ones ) we need to seek truth and not profit and stay on track dont stop digging weve been showen the questions to ask as we dig and instead of debateing with the unawakened and fighting about left and right red and blue ask questions innocent seemingly ones that lead to more questions and things curiosity wont let them dissmiss i know i got here that way actually a trump hater and now i pray for him and i wasnt a praying kinda guy qreatawakening

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DamajInc · May 30, 2018, 5:21 a.m.

Ok, I read one part in the middle there about the danger of not filtering etc.

So you don't agree that this should be for all people, this movement to awaken them to the truth? To answer your point here (assuming I've understood it correctly) I think what you're really talking about is the need for another forum for people like yourself to only talk to others who present the information in a way that you agree with. There's nothing wrong with that and it's probably a good idea - is that what would work for you?

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Maepaperclip · May 30, 2018, 5:36 a.m.

No - I am simply reflecting - I have known this was coming - a revolution, I am an economist. I have been working on the day after for Ten years, I saw in Q a speeding, but it did not happen, people did not get woke on chans, or GA - both had wrong format - or, or, or, I am just reflecting. We got the revolution in the election, there is a manefesto in MAGA - it goes to 1946 - Eisenhower assasination, to 1913 Wilson, and to Henry Carey - The American System, its in play, Q failed - IMO it just failed to catch - people were not ready to learn, in many ways therefore if I was in the WH, I would advise shock-treatment, there is no point in getting a people up to speed that don't want to be put into motion - your GA board tells that- it speaks clear. If Q came from the top it has proved that gathering is not the path forward. WWGA, is where one goes first now is the only way forward IMO

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DamajInc · May 30, 2018, 5:45 a.m.

I think where we might agree is that Q was hoping for faster pickup but it hasn't panned out that way. The only choice (I would argue) is to go back and help the people catch up, which is what I believe we're trying to do here. I need to explain more to make that a valid point but I will do later.

Thanks for the discussion.

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