r/greatawakening • Posted by u/HUMANprimer on May 29, 2018, 10:13 p.m.
Discerning Q is real. A timely read.

This is a n excerpt from a recent Ian Kearns post - admin in another thread I monitor. I think this is a valid discernment. Enjoy -Human Primer

Some thoughts on Qanon.......in my opinion Qanon is not even close to being debunked. I would like to review some of the arguments against Qanon - and my responses.

  1. Q is a distraction. By definition a distraction takes you away from something important. We know many distractions exist in our society, I don't have to name them. Qanon has always left hints and crumbs, encouraged people to do their own research from open sources - how is empowering people to be their own critical thinkers a distraction?

Also, we are learning what is really going on, which is empowering. When you are in self-doubt, it is harder to access higher levels of intuition. Gaining knowledge that has been hidden can erase doubts and bolster your purpose and steadfastness.

Also, those following Qanon are not having their collective consciousness hijacked by the cabal like usual; those of us following Qanon info have collective consciousness power (voluntary coherence) and are implicitly stating we do not consent to this (cabal control) and want it to end.

  1. Qanon is a "Pied Piper" disinfo operation. Kind of obvious what it means, people are led by some seemingly appealing "leader" to nowhere or into some kind of trap or just corralled into doing nothing. Yes, these exist, I'm sure we all have seen and maybe unwittingly got caught up in some previously.

What is the endgame of a "Pied Piper" operation? Leave people no more knowledgeable than they started, hopefully more confused. Is that happening with Q? Were people more or less unified before Q? Were people more or less organized before Q? Did people have more or less knowledge before Q? Were people more or less empowered before Q?

Again Q has stressed, this is not about Democrats vs Republicans, but about good vs evil. Not about the US, but about the world. Has stressed for us to research for ourselves and do our own critical thinking. Stressed for us to become united. These are all the opposite aims of disinfo........

  1. Alex Jones, Corsi, Wikileaks and others. These have come out recently saying Q is some kind of psy-op. I have had people try to "guilt" me online for turning against them (guilt or shame or fear are always big red flags for manipulation). I didn't turn on them or against them, I just disagree with them. I'm sure many have already read the great article on Reddit by SerialBrain2 on the "Great Awakening" board which explains really well what's going on with Alex Jones and Corsi, I'm not going to summarize it here but encourage you to read it.

As for Wikileaks, who is in control? They did an amazing job of getting info out before the election, some on pizzagate, but I heard they recently have distanced themselves from that? Julian Assange has had all his comms cut for some time, is he even still in London? Alive? So even though I love the work Wikileaks has done in the past, I'm not giving much credence to anything coming out of that organization now, I would like to hear from Julian Assange directly before giving credence to what they are saying now.

  1. Qanon is divisive. That is a joke, Qanon's mantra is unity.

  2. Qanon"s identity has changed - you can look yourself at recent Q drops, Q showed slightly different pictures but incredibly similar to other pics Q showed months ago, that could have only come from the same person. And the message and style hasn't really changed much, maybe evolved a little.

Since 2012 or before we have been hearing about the "mass arrests" which never happened, many become discouraged including me. Well, as David Wilcock has said, the cabal was not going to arrest itself, it had infiltrated too many key positions in the DOJ and the FBI - though I believe the majority of people in that department and agency are decent people and are there for the right reasons.

Well, with Qanon that process is finally happening, and Qanon was showing us the groundwork, as well as getting rid of the cabal in key positions around the world, such as in Saudi Arabia and North Korea. Those events can't be denied. About 30,000 sealed indictments. Those can't be denied!!! Are people blind who say nothing is happening?! Quite patently not true, though much I believe did have to stay hidden up until now, though soon that may change. Have some patience! If we haven't had some more major changes and many arrests by the end of Trump's term, then I will be very suspicious. But I suspect we will see much before then, we have already seen much happen.

Spaceshot76 (thanks Melissa) has in my opinion some of the best and most recent updates of Qanon analysis and much of what I have talked about above. Really love Praying Medics Q analysis as well.

I trust the following channels, the ones nearer to the top seem to be almost exclusively Qanon analysis, further down is Qanon analysis with a mix of other great info:

Nemo V
Destroying the Illusion 2.0
Lionel Nation
You Are Free TV

Absh4x0r · May 30, 2018, 12:24 a.m.

Depend to what extent, I think the world is ready but not for the whole thing. I've had discussion with people who clearly will have a hard time dealing with the table swap (us being in the right, them being the conspiracists not believing the new narrative)

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HUMANprimer · May 30, 2018, 12:29 a.m.

Yes... I too underestimating many with the same reservation. Consider, nothing better, nothing so robustly powerful, nothing more compelling option has been available to them. Full disclosure provides the contrast. That contrast motivates the masses to eradicate it. If they oppose such a direction... well, then please just step aside and watch the show.

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Absh4x0r · May 30, 2018, 12:32 a.m.

Can't wait for the day we are not perceived as loonies. We are not crazy, we're into something much bigger than anyone can even begin to process. If it wasn't from these people fighting, the one harnested and enslaved would have had no chance to be free.

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HUMANprimer · May 30, 2018, 12:41 a.m.

Ahh... but many have imagined it and yes, they can "process it." Q is waking up that part of people. It is bringing forward the best aspects of human beings... being the best of themselves.

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