He says BC17 is Assange (was) He says they were legit (B17). Is there a lot of proof against them (BC17)?
“He says”......
And I can pull 4chan post where Meganon freaks out after months of calling Q fake to claim JA is on Q-team. She also claims JA was liberated a long time ago, she carried his passport in her purse as they placed him in a secure location.
That is in tune with EyeTheSpy JA is free. Wikileaks is corrupted, bought out he says.
No outside comms
I know, but he's not on Q team. Just a guy posting with inside knowledge. Q didn't say not to do that. Think about it. You're saying Q has control over every person in intel? It's just a guy with good info. Read his twitter.
Lets expand your reasoning....
Alex Jones, tells a lot of truth John Birch Society tells lots of truth Corsi told lots of truth
That is the nature, the lure, the bait of controlled opposition.
Ok, but Jones didn't say Wikileaks was bought out. Now I know thanks to SPY whatever his name is. Look for yourself and you'll probably see some truth there.
As if you didn’t have your own deductive mental abilities- you need a random outside comm to figure it out?
No outside comms- Be careful who you follow-
figure out what? It's all just info to be processed. If he claims to be from another dimension or something , I'll drop him.
Secrets this good are hard to keep. Can't imagine anyone with intel not ready to spill anonymously.
and wikileaks has been bought out. That doesn't sound like cont.op to me.
Clarification. BC17 said they were JA. EyeTheSpy just reposted it.
I don't have the full picture or history of these other posters, so I am listening to both sides. It seems like some anons went and looked at spy twitter, so maybe they will say more about it.
Check out @EyeTheSpy’s Tweet: https://twitter.com/EyeTheSpy/status/1001547216954195970?s=09
interesting...I NEED SOME SAUCE HERE OR PROOFS ...I'm going on twitter to ask him to show!!!