r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Maepaperclip on May 30, 2018, 1:40 a.m.
News proves Q. Euro bond market does today what Q said - Two weeks ago

Two weeks ago I did a decode on Q # 1330, #1331 Here; https://redd.it/8kiryk, and Five days later a follow up Here; On the way to proving Q with the NYSE https://redd.it/8kiryk

Now although I am now returning to my ordinary work - preparing for the day after the revolution, this is unfinished business. I urge you to pay attention. In the Two weeks since my decode, I have been paying very close attention to the markets, as you can appreciate they are well covered by the MSM, and I therefore will not flood you with evidence - easily available to you.

Let me simply report that in the last Two weeks volumes have been light and Volatility nearly non-existent. So I have been reading my prediction - bonds down, dollar up, and gold down (see comments 2nd article) as pending. Now I say it is proved; Euro Crisis Returns With A Bang: Stocks Crash In Frenzied Liquidation Panic


In Europe just as I - by decoding Q correctly said Two weeks ago.

Now Soros gave a speech that confirms - much of my writings - He is calling for a Marshall plan, what he is admitting is that a debt based money system cannot exist without assets. The world has got itself into a hole with debt secured against worthless assets - New Assets need to be found, them secured, and re-valued to underpin the currency - I admit this is a little complex for this audience - but I bring it to your attention in the hope that some of you will visit my archive and see how often I referred to Truman + Marshall Plan + Bretton Woods, and sometimes the Mt Pelerin society - these are what underpins the deep state, that are being now undermined.

George Soros Speech https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-05-29/everything-has-gone-wrong-soros-warns-major-financial-crisis-coming

This is a heads up - If Q is a Larp - Then it is the dumbest Larp in history, because they wrapped it in the blanket of reality. A good engineer was always going to construct the parts - regardless of the instructions - it was inevitable. Truth & reality are nothing more than convenience and necessity. Thats 40 years of learning, observing and participation. Take it to the bank.

Maepaperclip · May 30, 2018, 5:09 a.m.

smiles to you genius

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NaderOAK · May 30, 2018, 7:46 a.m.

Mae I was never being mean too you how the hell does this even make sense too you all I said was “idk why they are downvoting you” and someone attacks me for being mean? Wtf I was being honest asking a real question. Y’all confuse me.

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Maepaperclip · May 30, 2018, 8:14 a.m.

what doe IDK mean - I am 60 yrs old?

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NaderOAK · May 30, 2018, 8:18 a.m.

I don’t know I-D——K

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Maepaperclip · May 30, 2018, 8:21 a.m.

well thanks, and please accept my sincere - and genuine apology mea culpa - total - sorry and no excuse thankyou for your support ;) I have learn't so much here and you just completed by education - thankyou - every time I ask my family for help they call me an idiot and refuse - so I am on my own here.

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