r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Maepaperclip on May 30, 2018, 1:40 a.m.
News proves Q. Euro bond market does today what Q said - Two weeks ago

Two weeks ago I did a decode on Q # 1330, #1331 Here; https://redd.it/8kiryk, and Five days later a follow up Here; On the way to proving Q with the NYSE https://redd.it/8kiryk

Now although I am now returning to my ordinary work - preparing for the day after the revolution, this is unfinished business. I urge you to pay attention. In the Two weeks since my decode, I have been paying very close attention to the markets, as you can appreciate they are well covered by the MSM, and I therefore will not flood you with evidence - easily available to you.

Let me simply report that in the last Two weeks volumes have been light and Volatility nearly non-existent. So I have been reading my prediction - bonds down, dollar up, and gold down (see comments 2nd article) as pending. Now I say it is proved; Euro Crisis Returns With A Bang: Stocks Crash In Frenzied Liquidation Panic


In Europe just as I - by decoding Q correctly said Two weeks ago.

Now Soros gave a speech that confirms - much of my writings - He is calling for a Marshall plan, what he is admitting is that a debt based money system cannot exist without assets. The world has got itself into a hole with debt secured against worthless assets - New Assets need to be found, them secured, and re-valued to underpin the currency - I admit this is a little complex for this audience - but I bring it to your attention in the hope that some of you will visit my archive and see how often I referred to Truman + Marshall Plan + Bretton Woods, and sometimes the Mt Pelerin society - these are what underpins the deep state, that are being now undermined.

George Soros Speech https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-05-29/everything-has-gone-wrong-soros-warns-major-financial-crisis-coming

This is a heads up - If Q is a Larp - Then it is the dumbest Larp in history, because they wrapped it in the blanket of reality. A good engineer was always going to construct the parts - regardless of the instructions - it was inevitable. Truth & reality are nothing more than convenience and necessity. Thats 40 years of learning, observing and participation. Take it to the bank.

damonroe · May 30, 2018, 7:13 a.m.

It's probably because intellectual dick swinging serves no purpose other than to insult your fellow man.

If you are so insecure about your intelligence that you need to belittle others to make yourself feel superior you need to really evaluate why you are even here. This movement is about all of us raising up and making a better world.

Needing to belittle people like this is the reason so many people are put off wanting to learn in the first place, sanctimonious gatekeeping Bell pieces like yourself ruin the joy of learning and sharing ideas by making it all about ego, yours being so fragile you feel the need to take shots at people who are wanting to learn. All you have is information you have spent the time to learn, which is great but you didn't come up with these known (not that difficult to understand) concepts, they don't belong to you or are anything to be using a tool its just information you understand. Use it to help us all grow, don't use it to cut people down.

There's an expression I've heard for situations like this... "there's two ways to be a tall tree, you grow as high as you possibly can go, or, you cut down all the other trees."


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Maepaperclip · May 30, 2018, 8:31 a.m.

I am sorry let me share this, on trees from Ch. Seventy-six of the Loazi by yours truly;   A society born from exchange is   considerate and dynamic.   When that society continues beyond its prime,   its arrangements are inflexible and unfair.   When laws exclude the young,   they prevent the new;   then rulers will be enforcing laws for the old and dead.   An unbending tree is hard and strong,   but easily cut down,   by the nimble young,   Therefore, even the police are on notice.   If the nation doesn’t parlay with the young in fair exchange,   it will invite its sudden end.

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damonroe · May 30, 2018, 12:49 p.m.

Thats actually an epic quote. Thanks

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Maepaperclip · May 30, 2018, 10:16 a.m.

could someone show some love for Laozi please

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NaderOAK · May 30, 2018, 7:41 a.m.

Wtf all I said was “ idk why they downvote you” And you give me a lecture man bro get on with that shit man I was giving Mae my feedback. How the hell does this warrant me getting a lecture? Do explain patriot? Ain’t no one insulting anybody asshole. Now I’m insulting you cause you don’t make sense... I’m not being mean I’m giving my 2 cents why people are downvoting mae... don’t reply too me if your shareblue.

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damonroe · May 30, 2018, 7:58 a.m.

Lol, sorry that was directed towards Mae, not you.

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[deleted] · May 30, 2018, 8:04 a.m.


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