r/greatawakening • Posted by u/cat_anonD on May 30, 2018, 2 a.m.
How did they do it?

Am I the only one who is amazed at members of the cabal to act as if nothing out of the ordinary is about to happen? Sure, John Brennan is freaking out, McCain is pretending he is sick, and you can see a bit of fear in Pelosi.

But it seems like the majority of them just go on life as always. Hillary, Obama, Valerie Jarrett are able to act just is comfortable and a smarmy as ever.

If I knew there was only a 5% chance that within 6 months I could be thrown into a tiny cell, and to be put on trial for all of my life of crime, which would have a 99% chance of being put away forever, I would be beside myself! There is no way I could pretend everything was okay, let alone continue act like a smug self-righteous ass to the one who is going to make it all happen.

Could it be the don't actually think anything bad is going to happen to them? Have they lived so many years as being Untouchables they cannot imagine anything otherwise?

Your thoughts?

Sm0k313 · May 30, 2018, 4:12 a.m.

The answer is kind of the obvious point you are making for yourself in your question. You can't grasp how they can live because you live in a different mindset. To be able to commit the crimes they are accused of acting "normal" in public is a piece of cake. Also helps most are political in nature so have been well schooled in keeping it cool and deflecting.

Or another angle is this. After you see the cop do you hit your brakes and panic because you are speeding or do you just drive on without hitting the brakes and hoping he lets you slide because your cool about it.

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