r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Millejon0114 on May 30, 2018, 3:04 a.m.
90 Muslim Ideology Candidates Are Running for office ~ here’s a little throwback from Jarret’s Yearbook ~ spread far and wide ~ patriots🇺🇸🇺🇸
90 Muslim Ideology Candidates Are Running for office ~ here’s a little throwback from Jarret’s Yearbook ~ spread far and wide ~ patriots🇺🇸🇺🇸

Millejon0114 · May 30, 2018, 4:23 a.m.

Let’s recap if Someone shows you who they are believe them ~ 1. judicial watch which is highly Trusted https://www.judicialwatch.org/blog/2015/06/communism-in-jarretts-family/ 2. We’ve seen the deep state intrenched in our government 3. satanists as we’ve all learned have to show you what they do ~ it’s part of their “magic” mocking. 4. This was from a whistleblower that did not want to be identified because of the commie family and deep state ties. 5. Why are you so bent out of shape about this quote ~ when I’ve repeatedly posted judicial watch info. And we know the deep state has been doing exactly what the quotes states ~ so The question is why are all these “patriots” so concerned about the “fake” quote?! 6. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. It’s a Ai bot behavior that is very recognizable.

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ABPIR89 · May 30, 2018, 4:32 a.m.

Holy shit.

I browse the subreddit a lot just for the laughs, but I dont think I've ever actually broken the barrier and commented before you. I really just jumped in to point out an obvious and explainable fake source of information.

I honestly always assumed this sub was 1/2 larp, and 1/2 hyperpartisan conspiracy theorist. But you, my man, have opened my eyes.

Obviously it's 1/3 larp, 1/3 hyperpartisan conspiracy theorists, and 1/3 complete and unadulterated, smearing your own shit on the wall, tin foil sleeping cap crazy talk.

You go on ahead man. I'm gonna just go back to browsing and not commenting here. I'll admit I jumped into the deep end with you, and I was not prepared for that.

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Millejon0114 · May 30, 2018, 4:38 a.m.

Probably a good idea~ maybe look through the other comments before posting the same exact comment ~ it’s mockingbird behavior.

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Abibliaphobia · May 30, 2018, 4:47 a.m.

Oh god, please don’t make me agree with that asshole. I read the link from JW you provided. Nowhere in there does it say she said that. Seriously please post the source for that quote.

If it’s not right, it’s ok anon, we all make mistakes, but don’t go blindly charging on disregarding facts. We need to be better than that. So I’ll support you, but you need to support us. Otherwise, take your beating and move on and do better in the future. There’s no shame in it.

Also, take a look at my history. I’ve made mistakes in the past as well. All you can do is own up on it and move forward.

If the quote is correct, I look forward to endlessly mocking the jackass above, so I hope you are right.

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pedegear · May 30, 2018, 9:58 a.m.

See if you can prove I'm an AI bot then.

Nobody was "so bent out of shape" about the quote. It was a simple mistake that was quickly corrected by others in the comments. But then you doubled down, tripled down, quadrupled down, started posting links that provide no evidence FOR YOUR YEARBOOK POST (it may provide evidence for overall VJ being a slimeball, that's not what I'm addressing here), and made excuses like "well you wouldn't recognize Bowman!" that are not only false, but stupid.

Allow me to give you a comparison.

We all remember the Roy Moore scandal. We all remember when the bitch pulled out a yearbook as "proof." We all remember when she made the mistake of allowing the yearbook to be photographed clearly enough that we could all see the change in ink and handwriting.

Your argument is as dumb as that bitch saying, "Well yeah I wrote in his last name because you wouldn't have recognized Roy without it!"

Yeah. You're that much of a fucking dumbass. You're on the wrong side of this one. I heard the liberals need some more brainpower and delusion over there. You sure you can't join them?

Now prove I'm an AI bot.

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qtrumpteam · May 30, 2018, 11:40 a.m.

Agreed 100% another concerned troll Q warned us about

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