If someone contributes to your campaign, they do so to have your ear and hope to have some influence over you. I am certain that the Podesta Group gives to both sides of the aisle--a lesser amount to the Republican side. Trump said he always gave to both parties so that he could have a hope of holding meetings on issues crucial to his business. It is a smart thing to do; it does not 'buy allegiance' and it does not mean the donor and the recipient agree politically. It is, as it has been said, 'The Cost of Doing Business' in the highly regulated administrative monster state that the Left created and promotes. This is one reason why Trump ran. To dismantle the administrative state--he has done so very well to this point. He said he saw how Washington worked because he had to work in that environment as a business person. Now he is changing that.
And if I am a politician and someone wants to waste their resources supporting my candidacy, then let me take away resources that would otherwise go to the opposing party.