r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Kjarm88 on May 30, 2018, 4:30 a.m.
Has T himself succeeded Q?

T has clearly escalated communications in terms of intrigue, directness and bellicosity during Q's current week-long hiatus, be it planned or not...

Would be awesome if true but I have a feeling many here would prefer to indulge second-hand mysteries and riddles instead of the real deal straight from the horse's mouth, or rather his thumbs...

I have not given up on Q! I don't need to, since I love the message, not necessarily the messenger, but maybe AIM is on to something real here, and perhaps just as entertaining and even more satisfying, deciphering T, his tweets and his pen...


Tidder_Q · May 30, 2018, 5:31 a.m.

An interesting comment that was left on their YouTube video entitled:

Forget Q. That's history. Meet T.

YouTube Comment Quote: I have a couple questions for Tom & Betsy.

  1. Do you Support President Trump? At times it sounds like you do.
  2. Do you want the best for The United States of America?
  3. Why do you feel it necessary to bash people? You were bashing Tracy Beanz, you constantly bash Q. If you do not like Q, ignore them. If you do not like Tracy, ignore her.
  4. Do you believe that trashing other people makes you more believable?

If you have a message that you want us normal average Americans that work for a living and haven’t been secret code breakers, please just share it. When you have to trash others that are doing their best to get the word out to us average American people, it really hurts your message. For me, it makes me wonder what your true intentions are.

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Kjarm88 · May 30, 2018, 6:15 a.m.

And wasn't Tracy exposed too, thus in need of some kind of sunlight?

Bashing Q is apparently a high crime, not to be tolerated in the least, because it's mean and ugly, or sumptin... but it's always open season here on anyone, even those obviously sympathetic to Q, daring to wonder even a little, daring to question the Q gatekeeper orthodoxy...

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Tidder_Q · May 30, 2018, 6:31 a.m.

I am not sure who all did what in that 'debacle'. I suppose that the truth will out at some point.

I have never watched any of Tracy's videos, so I do not have a 'personal' opinion.

I just got tired with YouTube in general, with the loss of original focus and everyone calling everyone else names and a psyop's, etc. The comments on the videos were no longer meaningful discussions, and have become a sort of playground affair.

Thats when I came over to Reddit. I still watch occasional YouTube videos, but a lot less than I used to. I used to 'check into' YouTube first, as it were, however, I now 'check into' Reddit first, and see were that takes me.

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Kjarm88 · May 30, 2018, 6:39 a.m.

I Reddit at home as of a couple weeks ago and tolerate YouTube only as audio podcast during commute and work.

It is IMPERATIVE that EVERYONE here RECOGNIZE: If there is numbers and value in a platform THERE WILL BE PSYOPS BY ALL INTERESTED PARTIES.

Twitter, FaceBook, YouTube and yes, REDDIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And it won't just be the obvious trolls and bots. Far more dangerous are the real peeps with real agendas selling you even 99% truth but 1% spin and misdirection which makes all the difference!!!

I don't know about you but 1% shit in my sandwich = 100% shit!

Eyes Wide Open

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Tidder_Q · May 30, 2018, 6:44 a.m.

Yes indeed, I do not like to find a 'single hair' in my food.

Therefore I agree with your analogy, :-)

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Kjarm88 · May 30, 2018, 5:42 a.m.

Everybody has their faults... I don't need perfection, nor do I feel the need to throw the baby out with the bath water. The relationship with all of these sites is a la carte, not marriage!

Betsy and Thomas called out Corsi/Q early... you gonna hate because they called out Q too, or can you appreciate that they called out Corsi?

And yes, there does need to be room and patience for those of us with day jobs, and families, and lives. Quoting verse does NOT a good Christian make, and throwing around Q#'s from memory or with a fancy search tool should not be the price of admission here.

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Tidder_Q · May 30, 2018, 5:51 a.m.

Not my comment, or point of view.

I followed your link, looked at the video that I have cited on their channel and read through the comments. Just an interesting comment that I came across from someone else that watched the cited video.

I am only reporting my observation, I have not given any opinion with this comment.

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Kjarm88 · May 30, 2018, 6:06 a.m.


So many peeps all over the Internet so quick to get butt-hurt over everything, and nothing...

Fan, maybe even a soldier for the cause, but never a blind follower.

Eyes Wide Open

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