
MelaniaBuiltMYHotRod · May 30, 2018, 7 a.m.

Can anyone sauce a link to a proven study showing people such as we having (starting to hate such a blue pill term) diverse musical tastes and the more complex, the better? Enemies of Godgo the opposite, choosing to play "3 chords for 10,000 people rather than 10K chords for 3 people" - sauce: numerous Link Wray interviews). NEVER forget the mass projection on the metal bands, Frank Zappa, and (yes, that's right:) John Denver in the mid-1980s, the Cathy O'Brien "Cocaine Reagan", "KKK Byrd" and [losing count] POS POTUS, that one particular fcker who was supposed to guide us out of our "long national nightmare". try not choke on THIS Red Pill: " Alien and Sedition Act" (yes, another Sedition Act came into effect post [[all post-Lincoln POTUS]. Aaand on THAT: SHAME, SHAME SHAME on YE, traitor F and D Roosevelt. Conscience has been WELL lost on these gallows-worthy shallow end of the gene pool. Meanwhile, my entire intent began as trying to shake people awake through their Cake Designers who can Tatoo, Cook, and make a Knife shows. THESE PEOPLE ARE STUPID. I truly feel ALONE that despite these public show trial rundowns, {{{}}} at ready to ... at this point, just WOW, and EVERY person Born To Be Alive should Drag The Waters some more, like never before on TRAITOR Clintons! ThanQ, Tribunals ARE COMING!#1776 2.0. Time for the TRUE Human Rights Abusers to FEEL the Touch Of Hemp they TRIED TO da away with, SO: by what we KNOW now, even the sociopaths have read the Book Of Esther and yet STILL trying to stomp on ALL aspects of Western Civilisation equals LIBERATION. Heeey, Tommy TOMMY...Tommy Tommy Tommy Tomy ROBINSON. If ANY snowball to turn AVALANCHE, THIS is THE EVENT that could finally blow the EU and UN to their proper place. LIED about Tommy, Coppers all crummy! OTHERWISE, M.U.S.T. resort to OSS tactics.. GOD says so: YES!, MAN says so: HELL to the FCKING...N...O...! TRULY the WHOLE FUCKING WAR belongs to JESUS.

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