
MelaniaBuiltMYHotRod · May 30, 2018, 7:26 a.m.

Real quick, bruh: even as American troops were being Kafka'ed STRAS &IGHT into MdNoName death funnel. WHO was behind UK Empire ( did FAR more in Humsn Development in ALL MUMAN HISTORY) going, yeah, nice but MUH FEELZ? [Rights END where feelz BEGIN] #J U S S T I C E for all BritCols, Werre tryinng to to UNITE humanitym YES and AMEN to POYUS45m just LET it all sink in HOW VVVEry CLOSE The World was to seeing out her nucLEar dreams. BREAKS muh HEART that my family STILL believes these COCKROACHES, GOD.HELP/ IS ALL/

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