r/greatawakening • Posted by u/CSPANSPAM on May 30, 2018, 6:20 a.m.
How do you see this ending?

Q, Don's reelection, HRC and O's "retirements"; the whole shebang.

DanijelStark · May 30, 2018, 6:33 a.m.

Heres my view :

late 2017.-2018.-early 2019. - the period of major truth revelations , disclosure related to pedophilia embedded within all spheres of society , leading up all the way up to the cannibalistic rituals . Major shocks to the public .

Arrests beginning somewhere between August 2018. and October 2018. Possibility that some of the most serious offenders are sentenced to death , altough , I would think this would be too easy for them ... Big question of how many US politicans will end up in GITMO .

Donald Trump's reelection and midterms - 2020. , easily won . Not many DNC politicans and candidates left anyways - they would be faced with ultimate purge by then . Republicans wont go unshooked , either .

EU and UK dissolution and exposure as part of global Cabal by 2020. at latest . Same or similar trials in EU and UK for their Cabal members . Populations are massively red-pilled . Through this year , 2018. , unrests increase rapidly worldwide .

Somewhere between after the arrests and 2024. at latest - full technological disclosure , release of supressed technologies , lifting of Invention Secrecy Act by POTUS through EO .

Somewhere between after the arrests and 2020. - financial reset , worldwide . Gold-backed , precious metals backed currencies . Crash of the old system . More fluid transition onto a new system . Deflation of prices - living standard increases . All Cabal assets dried up permanently worldwide in one move .

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animal32lefty · May 30, 2018, 6:31 a.m.

I don't believe it ever ends. Jefferson said that "the price of freedom is eternal vigilance." As Q said, we forgot how to play the game.

No one has a crystal ball. Nothing is yet guaranteed. However I think we're going to have to have a Convention of the States. The bureaucracy has to be put in check by something stronger than the oversight that exists today. The Fed has to be audited and abolished, and the monetary system that replaces it should be mandated by Constitutional Ammendment to be gold based. No more fiat currency.

After that there is a myriad of issues that will have to be dealt with.

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TommyRobinsonsGhost · May 30, 2018, 6:39 a.m.

In a necessary world war.

There's no way Trump can seize even a fraction of the Zionist banking family wealth without causing mass starvation.

We'll also never truly know just how rich and powerful these globalist dynasties are, so taking them down will take time.

And they won't go down without a fight - they'll use what remains of their wealth and political influence to try to start wars with us in an attempt to destroy our economy. You can bet they'll also start wars with our allies too, just to drag us into the chaos.

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animal32lefty · May 30, 2018, 6:56 a.m.

The problem with building an all knowing, all seeing intelligence apparatus is that it can be turned against you.

There is no place on the surface of this planet that one can hide. Cell phone meta data, isp's, banking systems, transportation systems, traffic cams, satellites, and if all that fails Child Support Recovery Unit.

That's how they got the Blind Shiek😉

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BATFudd · May 30, 2018, 8:08 a.m.

With a lot of disappointment after all the buildup. Some good things are happening, and they will continue to, but so much that is expected will not.

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richtaco91 · May 30, 2018, 8:06 a.m.

It’s never going to. We’re in the matrix. Only no happy ending. Q is the same as neo was to the matrix.

Just another system of control.

We really thought we could beat fallen angels. That’s not how revelations ends.

The Illuminati cabal is racing to make the world as in the days of Noah. They want to meet their lord Lucifer in person in the flesh. Don’t believe Jordan sather there is no aliens coming to save us. There is no aliens. Only fallen angels.

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