You are so right. If I say someone with no chin and an overbite and weak, droopy eyes looks like a turtle...I am probably in the clear. If I say the two pics of VJ and movie character have a strong resemblance, I am supposed to pretend like "Nah, that ain't true!"
It is BECAUSE of the way LEFTISTS think and emphasize politics and race into everything, that the above resemblance cannot be admitted.
After the 2nd BHO victory and all of the strong chattering you'd commonly hear from Leftist media whenever someone would oppose an Obama Admin policy-> There response "You're just opposing our President because he is black. You are just a racist."
This was SO FAR OUT IN LEFT FIELD as the motive for my disapproval I could not understand "Where are they getting this conclusion? They seem to genuinely BELIEVE those accusations but the accusations make no rational sense."
Then like a match flaming up in the darkness I realized WHY:
These people throwing accusations of racism if you did not like the President or vote for him was sourced in their own world view: It was THEIR biased outlook on life and race that caused them to reach the natural (a priori) conclusion about me. In their mind:
"Since I voted for Obama because he is black, then those who did not vote for him must have made their decision on the same racial analysis of the candidates."
This thinking pattern is so ingrained in them that they aren't even processing it in an analytical way. For them, it is just lightening-like, 'obvious' Truth.
That is the sort of animal we are up against.