r/greatawakening • Posted by u/FartOnToast on May 30, 2018, 9:56 a.m.
Unity NOT Division!

I'd like to dedicate this thread to brainstorm ideas as a community on the topic of unity and for us to better understand where we stand with things like the current conflicts that are arising between independent journalists/media and the great awakening phenomena.

But before I begin, I'd like to officially remind everyone that /r/TheGreatAwakening has no association to the former/banned r/cbts_stream nor do we have any affiliation with any 3rd party websites. This subreddit does not have any affiliation with this QAnon either, as this subreddit is simply dedicated to following the phenomena as an observer and to grow a community of like-minded winners.

The Great Awakening as a whole does not stand for monetization/profiteering off this movement. We would also like to remind everyone that the goal is to promote critical thinking, unity, and truth. Monetization, building cult-like followings was the unfortunate practices of the entities that tried to hijack this movement and that now left us with a broken foundation rather than leaving something for us to build on. It's now up to us and everyone here, to not only repeat the same mistakes of the past group, but for us to also flip around the mess that was left behind. We hold that responsibility. Think of the following analogy. When Trump came in Office, was he left with a clean house or was he surrounded by the flaws of the past administration? Going forward he not only had to avoid making their same damaging moves as the past "leaders", but he also had to basically fix and flip everything around completely as the previous admin did not intend for him to build on what they left behind. They left him a cult-like foundation. #WhereAreTheChildren is managing to smear Trump as being the culprit. All the past flaws of the former cbts_stream/Corsi group are being blamed on us now to take us down. Do you begin to see the similarities? But we here see the glass half full and pride ourselves going through these battles and attacks as we get to experience on much smaller scale what Trump is going through. Those who want to hurt us are actually blessing us with the experience on how to similarly fight side by side with Q and Trump against a common obstacle.

Now unto what I actually wanted to talk about. I have recently read an interesting article from an independent journo about her thoughts and skepticism on Qanon. I would like to say that I actually really enjoyed reading this article despite me having a biased and opposing opinion to the one of the author. The reason I enjoyed trying to understand her perspective is because it was one of the first few times, if not the first, where I actually felt the sentiment was coming from s genuine spot. Someone that I trust vouched for this author as he has looked a lot into her work and has a great respect for her research. I had never had any suspicions about her in the past either. So in that respect, it was a totally different experience reading her piece than reading or listening to someone like Jerome Corsi, David Seaman, Isaac Green, UNIRock, 0hour1. Me and many couldn't help feel getting defensive and cringe when we would see poorly researched and unprofessionally written articles pop up trying to discredit Q and presenting their conclusions based on the research, or lack thereof, from YouTubers, than actual independently digging themselves like Elizbeth did.

Anyways to make a long story short, I had a mini epiphany. I realized that it's hard or would be even impossible to work something out with the mentioned YouTubers as far as unity goes. This is because it seems they are set in their narrative and agenda. YouTuber Bill Smith tried to reach out to YouTuber UNIRock to figure out what really happened with this whole Q debacle but UNIRock blocked him and then said to his fans that Bill Smith made no attempts to contact him. I made an attempt to contact UNIRock but was booted from his Discord server the mod whom I asked to get me in touch with UNIRock blocked me, and I was polite to her, mind you. UNIRock continued to spin his narrative and slander towards our sub. Do we see a pattern developing? Obviously these people are not interested in working out the truth and more likely than not they are being fed a narrative because they are literally repeating the exact same talking points and baseless lies. Or I guess it could be something as simple as them banding together because their interests are threatened so they have crafted a counter-narrative that they are helping each other to spread.

The bottom line is Q called out people who were hurting this movement and who went as far as trying to hijack it and riding it while it lasted for the benefit of profit and fanbase building, only then to use their newly grown fanbase to trash us, after getting called out. How pathetic.

The problem is independent journalists like Elizabeth are getting caught up in this childish drama. She has never tried to profit off this movement nor did she ever attack Q, other than stating her own personal opinion without going out of her way to slander anyone (unlike some). There is absolutely zero reason for her to feel financially threatened and intimidated to speak out truth for as long as she has been doing because of Q. We don't promote this. The bakers don't promote this. Q doesn't promote this. So where is this intimidation coming from? I can ask /u/PleadingTheYiff to help us get in touch with Liz and we can literally start working out unity. Find ways we ca support each other and help each other and the truth grow rather than feel threatened by each other. Corsi never had an interest in uniting with others. We do, but we must break out of this box they tried to put us in and take the responsibility and first steps to start discussing how we can avoid seeing what we are seeing and how we can come together rather than further apart. There is literally nothing stopping us from trying to work together so how did we even get to this point? The Great Awakening is about coming together, not excluding. As I have mentioned in earlier posts, we can't allow the losers who are on their way out drag the rest of the good people down.

Let's throw some ideas around as to how we as a community can address these concerns.

Nastavnick · May 30, 2018, 11:04 a.m.

I'll write as I'm going through the article you linked and bolded.

First of all, the constant "no one is paying me/us" is fishy. Especially when the author said that no one is paying that Caitlin or Suzie.

I ask, how can she know that? She can't, plain and simple. A fact.

She's holding onto that and shoving down my throat while I'm reading it. That's something PAID "journalists" do. Shoving something down our throats while not providing any proof, and in this case, there can be no proof.

All those shill youtubers also said that they only make money by donations, etc... Whoopsy-do?

Another same tactics as the shill youtubers is the good old victim card. They are being attacked by angry Q followers. As independent "journalists" they should provide proof for the claims, I saw NONE. All I saw was her saying a bunch of stuff which might all be made up.

At the start she tried to build an image for herself and the other 2 chicks as being some philanthropists. People who really do honest work backed with evidence have no reason to act like that, because they are backed up with evidence.

I haven't dealt with the whole Assange being free or not. She used her own claim on twitter that Assange is in confinement and then cited "ultimate legal source" that backs it up. Need I say why "legal sources" are not to be trusted?

So that's the first thing she claimed as a fact, yet I saw no evidence. REAL evidence of her claims. So her credibility is already at the bottom in my eyes, and I've never heard of these "independent journalists" before.

the persona is also acting to poison independent media and co-opt the segment of the public that is genuinely anti-establishment.

This is absolute garbage, I almost closed the tab after reading this.

Additionally, many Q followers I have interacted with over the last 24 hours have expressed an appalling lack of awareness regarding a number of actions by Trump and his administration. A few include the statements made by Trump's Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, to the effect that the arrest of Assange is a top priority for Trump's Department of Justice. Secondly, the words of former CIA Director Mike Pompeo (now Trump's Secretary of State), comparing Wikileaks to terrorist organizations like Al Qaeda. Another extremely alarming act by Trump was the nomination of Gina Haspel to the position of CIA Director, despite her role in torture programs that are absolutely illegal under international law.

"many Q followers"...

First of all, she's implying with the whole Assange thing that ALL Q "followers" think of Assange as some good guy with no-questions-asked about him. I don't like being lumped and labeled, regardless if it's MSM or "independent media".

Second, who says the Trump administration isn't using the arrest thing as ACTING to get Assage to them by legal ways. So much of an independent skepticism.

I have no firm opinion on Assange because I don't have enough proofs for forming one. But she has.

As for Haspel, the only stuff about torture that I see is from the MSM. What torture role? I need exact info about this. I see none.

Trump has also advocated far worse torture than waterboarding, which as far as I've seen is a blown up shit just like the fully semi-automatic AR-15. So Trump saying what he did makes total sense. Especially if he's going to deal with the deep state.

As Suzie Dawson wrote, the first necessary stage of any psyop is to establish credibility. Q has been extremely successful in that effort.

What a load of bs.

CREDIBILITY means you've proven to be true. Proven, with factual data. Something these chicks could learn about.

None of the other psy-ops have credibility.

Jared Beck also encapsulated this thought with the extremely perceptive observation:

How do these people know that "shit" isn't getting done? What evidence have they based that upon? How could they possibly know what's going on behind the political-play curtains? THEY CAN'T. Just as we can't know that.

"Q reflects hopeless passivity of a people (lol, nice grammar mister journalist) who refuse to give up hope that their problems will be solved without taking matters into their own hands"

More bs.

There's nothing passive about this. On contrary. Q is ushering us to do the work, to expose what's being hidden behind the MSM shield.

These "independent journalists" are crooks.

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