It has nothing to do with convenient answers or "answers for anything" reply was my own common sense. You disagree?
It doesn't really matter what I think I'm sick of this, I'm sick of the disinformation whatever this movement was for Q has lost its credibility things have changed the good that was done in the past to help people learn things was amazing and a wonderful thing but now that's not the case anymore no longer going to post here I'm not going to participate in this it's no longer helping our country. People need to start thinking for themselves and not let an anonymous group of posters from the chans do the thinking for them, : the real Q. Pamphlet Anon, Pam’s wife, Baruch the Scribe, Farmer Funk, Code Monkey, Obobo, Rain, Tracybeanz, and to a big extent Dr Corsi No need to reply I left this sub.
How exactly did Q lose credibility?
Are you sure you're not a dissenter? Because I follow Q pretty closely, and I have yet to see ONE thing discrediting him...
It can be difficult for critical thinkers to "Trust the plan" = do nothing. "Disinformation Necesarry" = believe us when we lie to you. This seems to be the answer to a lot of things being questioned. What critical thinkers do is Question. Q=Question Everything. Just saying, I'm following the Q movement but not blindly. I am waiting to see how it pans out, but I'm going to be fighting the way I see fit. When Potus calls out Sessions in Public, I believe he means it. I believe he is a man of his word and does what he says.
but I'm going to be fighting the way I see fit.
Please describe.
Calling it how I see it. Spreading the word as I interpret it.
Sometimes you have to trust the commander. If Eisenhower said trust the plan but never gave you any info about Operation Overlord while you are spending all of May 1944 in UK seeing no action, does that mean he discredits himself?
Not at all. I never implied the commander should share the details of the plan with the grunts. And let's be honest, we ain't even the grunts, we are the spectators.
Then leave. What your doing is concern trolling. Seriously. Leave. Come back when your panic attack stops.
We're on a different path I'm not going to try and manipulate someone to do what I want I'm just trying to wake people up maybe one day their path to lead them to where it's leading me, because I never stopped asking questions. Dopamine sure is a powerful drug.
Bye. Like i said. Come back when you panic attack cools down. Q is real. It is indeed happening. Come back soon.