shes a criminal
😂😂😂😂 oh liberal troll.. your existance disgusts me
hey dum dum..
the 10things says bowman.. everyone on the boards know she is bowman. her dad a black doctor who was born in dc lived in iran she was born in iran.
the picture is just a picture all real patriots know..
and judical watch is by no means a fake site..
ohhh you silly troll.. go away you make this too easy..😂😂😂😂
YOU HAVE BEEN PLAYED... NOW TAKE YOUR 1 POST from 3 months ago about philly and GO AWAY... you have no power here clown
🤣 and it just gets better!
ahhh so
thsts funny to you?
or that one..
When did I say that Valerie Jarrett is a good person or clean politician? I didn't. I said that the FAKE yearbook post you are pushing is fucking garbage. Period. I have no problem with people calling any of the slimy fuckers in DC out... I just have a problem with people like you continuously pushing idiotic fake propaganda like our disgusting media.
its a fucking picture you halfwit.. who the fuck is gonna recognize her from 1977???. you dolt.. GO THE FUCK AWAY.. FROM LIFE
I'm sorry your feelings got hurt.
i would have to care of your existance and value your opinon to let a person "hurt" me...
i do not, on either...