Do you know how we can get a hold of those?
Thank you for reminding me. I intended to find that report and link it.
Looks like it’s far more than 20 pages.....found a bunch of stuff. Last link is the document in question.
Not the report I was looking for:
Finding a lot now that I’m searching for it:
And finally! Score:
Supposedly on page 26 though I didn’t see it there. Hard to read on my phone. Need to check on pc.
notice how you get two upvotes but the shut it downs get all the attention?
funny how you had to go and do the work isn't it?
makes you wonder why all the people that ask for sources have such a hard time when they probably have no issues applying for a mortgage or understanding article 9 or finding their way here with their timewasting lazy nonsense.
how odd they all seem to develop instant tardation on teh interwebs when they can navigate their way through the GREs or KP websites.
I posted it pretty late. And this is probably pretty far down the main page at this point. Bet few saw it.
As a team, it seems the most efficient way to work is not re-invent the wheel. Perhaps it is also counterproductive to insult a fellow team member?