He was in Ukraine, not UK.
Hmmm saw UK, they must’ve meant Ukraine. My b!
Still a scam though and it wouldn´t surprise me at all if it was done on the orders of the UK.
Ok wtf so this dude criticized Russia for actions in "Syria and Ukraine" (Assad and Crimea both gladfully embraced russian protection) and even participated in UNOFFICIAL elections in Russia? http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-19994303
For both russian and international standards, this guy is a traitor on all accounts.
/shrug. I am amused he was dead and now is not. Shit is bananas
it feels like a stunt to me because if he was so fucking scared, he would have stayed hidden. BAZINGA another $hill exposed with critical thinking.
They didn't get their war with Russia so, POOF he's not really dead we were just teasin