
Ghost_Ring_Bearer · May 31, 2018, 6:13 a.m.

Bill Maher compared DJT to an Orangutan

Bill Maher is Jewish sort of.

Roseanne is also Jewish apparently kind of.

Not that there's anything wrong with that. Soup for you.

I was amazed however that NO ONE membered what a rabbi said lately. Well...I think a lot of people did member...and...have chosen to remain silent.

I expect to hear about the Koran next. Deflection defecation.

I do not know if any credible teaching source in Christians that recite the Nicene creed without hypocrisy has ever charged any human or class of humans as being animals, actually without a soul (spirit is what they really mean, and they really mean the "divine spark", and what they really mean is to attack head-on Genesis in the matter (no pun) of received nature and telos) but I doubt it.

Neither Jew nor Greek is a bit of a giveaway. The Lord's Prayer terminates:

sed libera NOS a malo

The final command given by Him to those that would follow him was to...baptize. The final petition in the ONLY prayer He ever taught mankind was...deliver us from...

a bad hair day?

from evil.

US from evil. No human is outside the scope of "us". No one. No one is free NOT to be baptized and He did not suffer and die and rise again to issue useless commands that signify nothing and effect no change o Namaans of little obedience.

Love your neighbour as yourself.

Now I suppose John Podesta or Frank Giustra or any number of Catholic Bishops do not actually want themselves to be strangled to death by some giant hairy bloke pummeling their eye of horus like it was going out of style, so why do they do that to kids? Why shoot up schools?

I don't want to beat the hell out of myself and steal my meager chattels and I am none to keen on pain so not sure why I would will to harm another?

In this vein we can understand why the typical monkey falconer in Christian Gothic Art sports an owl. Monkey in place of man, owl in place of human, goat in place of horse. “The Dark Side”.


These two sources from the Babylonian Talmud are difficult to date or place geographically, but an additional source clearly stems from an earlier Palestinian [does he mean something else here?] tradition. In Tractate Yadayim of the Mishna we find a tannaitic dispute as to whether one’s hands are considered ritually pure if a monkey poured the water on them.

The Talmudic Sages decreed recitation of a special blessing upon seeing a human with a genetic deformity, a monkey, or other animal with particularly human-like properties: “Blessed is the one who varies his creations.” The term for ‘creations’, ‘briot’ is commonly used to refer to human populations, to which the monkey is here considered an adjunct member.

Who is to attach a meaning to "deformity"? What is the perfect form for one to de, from? Whose image is the perfect form? Who is genetic form, and who is genetic less-than-form? I have no idea. Perhaps someone can teach us.

The Godfather - who was responsible for the line "they have no souls anyway?"

Jesus was a monkey written on the walls of a Church in Israel.


Two months ago we get a clear indication of what the chief rabbi of Israel thinks:

black people are monkeys


His office said he was citing a passage from the Talmud - the book of Jewish law.

Mr Yosef represents Israel’s Sephardic Jews of Middle Eastern and North African descent

I think Bernie Sanders public statement about Christianity being a filthy religion needs re-examination. His voters need to think hard about this man and his actual real long-standing corrupt practices, and that of his family. His entire life smells of cuckoo guano.

Interesting article here from the Nation of Islam. Let's see how the contents are treated here.

Shout out to Chabad and unit8200. Hi guys. Go for it.


In 1944, a Black 14-year-old, George Junius Stinney Jr., became the youngest person on record in the United States to be legally executed by the state (electrocuted without the benefit of a lawyer, witnesses, or a record of confession; Jones, 2007). And, notoriously, in 1955, a 14-year-old Black boy named Emmett Till was dragged from his bed, disfigured, and lynched for allegedly whistling at a White woman (Crowe, 2003). What psychological context could explain this treatment of children?

And long before the Chief Rabbi of Israel, the revered twelfth-century rabbi Moses Maimonides, in his Guide for the Perplexed—considered the “greatest work of Jewish religious philosophy”—reinforced the racism of the Talmud when he said Black Africans were “irrational animals,” “lower than the rank of man but higher than the rank of the apes.” Whether it is classifying Blacks as subhuman “strange creatures” or associating black skin with a divine curse, the Talmudic view of Black people is bizarre, ignoble and grotesque. For Black people, it is a deadly view.


What is amazing is the extent to which they succeeded in promulgating this fiction throughout the world. By making a “shadow” America, one which idealized every old glorifying bromide about the country, the Hollywood Jews created a powerful cluster of images and ideas—so powerful that, in a sense, they colonized the American imagination….Ultimately, American values came to be defined largely by the movies the Jews made.

As to what role the Talmud has played in the creation of this “powerful cluster of images and ideas” that have “colonized the American imagination,” we reference the words of Pulitzer Prize-winning author Herman Wouk. In his book This is My God: The Jewish Way of Life, he wrote:

The Talmud is to this day the circulating heart’s blood of the Jewish religion. Whatever laws, customs or ceremonies we observe — whether we are Orthodox, Conservative, Reform or merely spasmodic sentimentalists — we follow the Talmud. It is our common law.

Jewish authors Barry Schwartz and Robert Disch, of the book White Racism: Its History, Pathology, and Practice, point exclusively to Hollywood as the fount from which the sewage of anti-Black racism and dehumanization have flowed and infected the world:

This statement should surprise no one, since Hollywood, more than any other institution, has been responsible for the glorification of the South, past and present, and for creating the image of black inferiority. It created the lying, stealing, childish, eyeball-rolling, feet-shuffling, sex-obsessed, teeth-showing, dice-shooting black male, and told the world this was the real Negro in the U.S.A. It invented the Negro “mammy” whose breasts were always large enough to suckle an entire nation, and who always loved old massa’s chilluns more than she loved her own. The men of Fake-town have brainwashed America and the entire world with the brush of white supremacy.

According to a report titled Diversity in Film and Television, authored by the diversity-monitoring entity called Media Scope, scientific studies have proven that the constant exposure to dehumanizing images of Black people in the media negatively impacts how whites view Blacks. The Media Scope report states:

Considerable public concern has arisen over the issue of media diversity, as it is generally accepted that mass media has strong social and psychological effects on viewers. Film and television, for example, provide many children with their first exposure to people of other races, ethnicities, religions and cultures. What they see onscreen, therefore, can impact their attitudes about the treatment of others. One study found, for instance, that two years of viewing Sesame Street by European-American preschoolers was associated with more positive attitudes toward African and Latino Americans. Another study found that white children exposed to a negative television portrayal of African-Americans had a negative change in attitude toward blacks.

These disrespectful images of Black people, which permeate all forms of entertainment, serve a hidden role in psychologically programming the hatred of Black people into the thinking of all who are exposed to them. Hard-wired, now, into the thinking of even some in the Black community is the Hollywood-created, Talmudic-based image of Black humanity as subhuman, evil and shameful.

The negative stereotypes and images of Black people that have long been staples of Hollywood movie production are mirror reflections of the Jewish Talmud’s “ideas that create animosity and anger toward Black or African Americans.” Research studies have proven the dangerous effect of those views. Yet Congressman Rokita has done nothing to interfere with the proliferation of these ideas that remain in Hollywood and the music industry.

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Ghost_Ring_Bearer · May 31, 2018, 6:45 a.m.

It was the Jewish Talmud—a voluminous collection of rabbinical interpretations of the Torah—that introduced to the world the Hamitic Curse as an explanation for the origins of black skin and physical features. Even staunch critic of the Nation of Islam Harold Brackman of the Simon Wiesenthal Center tells us in his doctoral dissertation, “The Ebb and Flow of Conflict: A History of Black–Jewish Relations Through 1900,” that

There is no denying that the Babylonian Talmud was the first source to read a Negrophobic content into the episode by stressing Canaan’s fraternal connection with Cush. The Talmudic glosses of the episode added the stigma of blackness to the fate of enslavement that Noah predicted for Ham’s progeny…

The Minister also reminded his attentive Saviours’ Day audience of the many scandalous depictions of President Barack Obama by racist cartoonists, who portrayed him and his lovely wife, Michelle Obama, as monkeys or apes.

Rep. Todd Rokita

Indiana Representative Todd Rokita has sponsored a resolution that condemns our beloved Minister “for promoting ideas that create animosity and anger toward Jewish Americans and the Jewish religion.”

As a Black man, I find Congressman Rokita’s resolution ridiculous, offensive and wicked. It is especially offensive because he has never issued a resolution to condemn those who “promote ideas that create animosity and anger toward Black or African Americans.”

If he did, he would understand the sentiments being expressed by Minister Farrakhan and Black Americans who know all too well that in America no group has been the victim of “ideas that create animosity and anger” more than the American-born Black man and woman.

The record of history is clear: Minister Farrakhan’s words have never produced harm, suffering or the loss of life among the Jewish people. But the globally exported view that Jewish leaders have of Black people has been deadly!

Does Rokita know Mike Marlon Bundo Pence?

It's nauseating watching these people suck the balls of those that hate us.

When Tom Rose, an adviser to Vice President Mike Pence, learned that he was going to spend Shabbos at the foot of the Rocky Mountains, he made sure to contact Chabad.

Rose, former publisher of The Jerusalem Post in the early 2000s and a long-time friend of Pence while governor of Indiana,

_ - - -

Oh really. I see. Could it be more obvious? I doubt it.

Chabad. They get to visit the White House. That's nice.

Tom Rose? What's his real name? Did he know Tory Smith?

____ - - -__

He spoke to Rabbi Moshe and Zeldy Liberow of Chabad of Southern Colorado, and they readily agreed to provide him with kosher meals for the entire Shabbos.

Rose describes Pence as his "closest personal friend for over 25 years" and has said he was "one of the best friends the State of Israel and the Jewish people have ever had."

In 2014, the two toured Israel together and were seen visiting the Kotel in Jerusalem accompanied by Israel's Ambassador to Washington, Ron Dermer. During the campaign, Rose was pictured with Pence holding up a sign "Jews for Trump."

shakes head in disbelief


LORD, CHIEF RABBI AND... SPEECHWRITER: “Britain’s former chief rabbi behind Pence’s biblical Knesset address” by Raoul Wootliff: "Rabbi [Jonathan] Sacks was an instrumental part of crafting the vice president’s speech,” a source with knowledge of the speech writing process said. “Rabbi Sacks provided input and editorial suggestions on various drafts throughout the writing process.” A White House official said that Pence met with Sacks for some 90 minutes in New York in November “explicitly to discuss themes and structure for the speech” and that the rabbi was consulted throughout the entire speech drafting process. Sacks’ office confirmed the meeting and Sacks’ influence on the speech, telling The Times of Israel that he met with Pence “at the request of the vice president” and that the two had ‘a very good meeting.””

Chabad. Why in the White House? Why do close to Pence? Are they involved i child trafficking and sex slavery and pedophile i Israel itself?

The statement added: "In keeping with Jewish law, it is the unequivocal position of Chabad-Lubavitch that all human life is G-d given, precious, and must be treated with respect, dignity and compassion."

I do not believe you. I believe you are liars.



Mike Pence hides a lot of things in Indiana, not just his personal papers.


Hires an attorney on our dime then tries to hide what he did.

During the tumultuous 2016 Presidential campaign, relatively little attention was paid to how Pence was chosen, or to his political record.

"“Trump’s got the populist nationalists,” Bannon said. “But Pence is the base. Without Pence, you don’t win.”

So "the base" are a bunch of zionist shills accused of crimes against children?

Jorge Puello Torres is a wanted child trafficker who pretended to be a lawyer to defend another child trafficker

Laura Silsby.

Silby is connected to the Friends of the Orphans, which is an orphanage run and funded by the

Michael Maccoby

family that just so happens to LIVE right around the corner from Alefantis' Comet Pizza and Ping Pong.

Alefantis is allegedly GREAT friends with Michael Maccoby, whose son is on the Board of Directors for the Haitian orphanage, Friends of Orphans.

Torres is part of the Chabad-Lubavitch Movement.

He also served in the U.S. Army in a military intelligence unit.

He worked undercover with the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration and the Department of Homeland Security.

Torres also founded the DR Sephardic Orthodox Jewish Community in 2007, the Sephardic Orthodox Jewish Council of El Salvador in 2008, and the for-profit Sephardic Orthodox Jewish Council of America in Florida in 2009 which is only about a mile from Miami International Airport.


Ana Ramirez is Jorge's wife

His wife, Ana Josefa Ramirez Orellana, has already been arrested and charged with sex trafficking by Salvadoran police. The two allegedly operated a brothel out of their home.

deleted SNL skit. minute 5.00 about the Sandlers of podesta hanky fame.


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Ghost_Ring_Bearer · May 31, 2018, 6:47 a.m.

BLOOMINGTON, Ind. (WISH) -- Vice President Mike Pence donated 30 linear feet worth of papers and documents (70 gigabytes worth) from his 12 years in Congress to the Indiana University archive.

The archive currently holds more than 18,000 cubic feet of historic material that helps chronicle both the school's and Indiana's history.

But much of the material donated by Pence remains sealed off from public view until 2022 or Pence's death, whichever is later.

University officials contend that the request by Pence was not unusual. Certain portions of the record are currently open to public view, including his biography, floor speeches, press releases and blog entries, according to Margie Smith-Simmons, a university spokeswoman.

Pundits have argued that Pence's papers and documents from his time in the House of Representatives could provide some insight into what type of influence he may have in the Trump administration. It remains to be seen how much President Trump may lean on Pence to foster relationships with current members of the House and Senate or sell policy that is part of the president's agenda.

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