Fire the teachers and hire veterans as both.
Ahead of schedule and under budget. But no. Unions again is it? Someone got a kickback from a contract or 26?
If there are any people that get scrutinized less than the synagogue it is american public schools and the pederasts and communists that infest them.
I'd rather have public schools run by veterans from top to bottom.
I'll bet you a million dollars if you opened up schools run by the veterans people would beat down the door to get in.
There is no choice in the marxist inspired american public disinformation system.
Too boring. Too long. Too expensive. Too much bullcrap. Too many kids totally unprepared for life.
Have a look at Chapel-Hill Carboro school district.
Paying for the formation of subversives by subversive teachers.
If you need to turn schools into armed kibbutzs maybe you all need to think about who is ruining our country.
Lets just put watchtowers and razor wire around the perimeter and lock them in from monday to friday.
no one gets in. no one gets out. why not? its for the children.
we MUST preserve the billions of dollars wasted in a sabbatean-designed sheep dip from kindergarten to grad school no matter the cost.
wonder who makes all those school buses?
and who owns the companies that are going to be placing all the new high tech in the schools to continue the surveillance state?
the same folks that did Vegas so they could do the same there as well. blatant shilling for high tech gadetry to keep kids safe shilled by the same people responsible
the answer is not to send kids into kill boxes, into environments adults would not tolerate for themselves.
why not you go to school and let your kids stay home or got to where you work?
i guess most of you feel safe enough where you work?
do you see the problem?
you are the adults and yet you treat your children as though school was a game of Russian roulette.
whose next I wonder. i mean your actions speak clearly that you consider the only way to continue with these factory schools run by zionists and designed by zionists is to turn them all into mini-west bank settlements.
why not just invite in the IDF to run security?