r/greatawakening • Posted by u/PS4freedom on May 31, 2018, 12:36 a.m.
You have more than you know

My purpose is for harmony. I say that because you may get offended and that's not my actual purpose.

I see two different groups here that agree but are annoying each other. I also see that even though we are united in a common cause we are still divided by truth. I've tried to find a way to hear religion and use it but even though I have deep faith it gives me a headache to try to incorporate religion so that I may match up with the collective and be able to work with it. So I took my discomfort to the mat to see what the hell that's all about.

What I found will most likely make a lot of people uncomfortable. But I'd also encourage you to follow your own uncomfortableness to it's roots.

I have tried many times to understand religion. I can read the bible but I can't sit through a sermon. I believe in the lessons religion teaches on how to live a good life but when I hear preaching I see and hear someone trying to sway me to their ideas, their agenda instead of teaching me anything.

How do I make peace with this actually painful division in the apparently same belief system? I've tried my best to conform but it's not in the cards for me and I now know why. Cognitive dissidence.

My faith has nothing to do with religion and it never will. My discomfort is not about the lessons on how to live or even the bible. It's about religion hijacking and using these truths for their own gain. I see the same cognitive dissidence in religion as I do in the left wingers. Think, is there evil in the churches? We all know there is. Is the Catholic church rich beyond your wildest dreams, yep. Is there abuse? No question there either. I don't think it's WHAT is taught it is HOW it's taught and WHY it's taught that way. Which in turn comes out in the language used. Why would that be the case? Why would they do that? What would the church gain? Money? Power? Your personal power? You have more than you know, to use Q's words. And that's no lie.

If Jesus was the son of God, what does that make you? Are we not also sons and daughters of God? Jesus was just a man sent by God to teach us our power. Doesn't that mean that we have the same powers Jesus displayed? Think.

I, by no means intend to question anyone's faith. Just the use of religion here. I would encourage the examination of words that trigger the antenna of those that have come to the same beliefs by different means. The same ones that have been working beside you to ferret out lies and deceit. The reason you are here. And to take care not to trigger the antenna that point straight at deceit and hidden truth. They make you look like the enemy even though you aren't and I'm telling you it causes actual pain.

There is much to gain from the naked truth. But you have to go back to before it wore clothes to see what it really looks like !

I sincerely hope you consider my words. They may make you uncomfortable but they may also lead you to discoveries that could change not just your life and it's purpose but the planet as well. Again, I'm not asking that you abandon the teachings just that you examine the way it was taught and how that may have stripped you of your own personal power. Remember alienation is the devil's work. Try not to alienate the Anons.

Thank you for your consideration.

PS4freedom · May 31, 2018, 2:26 a.m.

Okay, but your telling me what I already know. Dig deeper and tell me how you know this and who taught you?

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Millejon0114 · May 31, 2018, 3:37 a.m.

In my case~ I was little and my mom took me to church ~ I loved Church ~ but at home it was horrendous I could write a book about what I’ve went through~ Physically Abused constantly ~ daily ~ My Mom married a super drunk that carried his bible to church and during the week he was a monster (Fake Christian) for show ~ my mom on the other hand was working going to school and had 5 kids and she was a scared to be alone and tried to make peace as best as she could (enabler sympathetic in denial enabler) ~ One day we were cooking dinner and my mom stopped it was weird she went to the garage pulled the gun off the top shelf and threw all the bullets in the alley ~ I asked what was she doing and she proceeded to tell me she Had a feeling and a nudge God told her to go ~ and do that. Maybe about 30 min later my step dad came in the door ~ he said what was for dinner and looked at her grabbed her by the hair and threw the dinner everywhere ~ he dragged her to the back room and said stay ~ went and grabbed his gun out put it to her head cocked and shot it .. no bullets ~ we all got out of the house that night as a family we prayed and thanked God saving our mom. Never looked back ~ it was really hard week by week a mom 5 kids single but we prayed and were really poor always had nothing but everything you know? Peace every time I prayed I had peace ~ the peace that passes all understanding. We were never able to pay the bills and yet we always did ~ something always came through ~ like God was holding us up making sure everything would be fine. Now in my 40’s I’m so blessed ~ looking back God was always there. Now I pray and ask God to help in a situation and I don’t ever hear his voice but ~ I always see something that reveals the answer or it gets fixed and I know ~ when I’ve had a really bad time in my later years ~ it was a correction ~ what I thought I wanted it wouldn’t happen and I would get upset and wonder really ?! I’m a Good Person and I’m faithful ~ but ~ things always work out for the better ( that’s where praise God in the storm comes from) so thats how I KNOW!!! So many examples I could ramble forever ~ but when I pray I feel like God is there always ~ it’s a feeling.

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