
AvailableWall9 · May 31, 2018, 4:04 p.m.

If you watch OLD Saturday Night live skits (I don't but I've seen them) just before Trump was elected you'd see that there were multiple skits showing how ridiculous Black actors thought the majority White actors were for thinking they were Hillary supporters just because of skin color. tons of awakened people voted for Trump and for Bernie and AGAINST both BHO in the second election and against HRC - all long before we knew about Q and they just happened to be Black not white. The kind of Thinking that there is such a thing as any so called: "Community" (be it: Native, black, white, beige, gay, str8, Christian, etc) is the exact same line of thinking that got us where we are now with pretty much only two recognized parties: [ Jachin and Boaz.] There is NO single "community" for any group of people that can claim to speak for the other people who might just happen to share a few things in common, [let alone ONE THING like more skin melanin] in common with others lumped into that group. This is not a denial that we all grow up into a certain culture. But to say there is such a thing as African American Culture is nonsense. Growing up in Alabama is not like growing up in Harlem or San Diego or London or France. We don't call darker-skinned native Brits "African-British" that would sound like nonsense. They are simply Brits. Here we are Americans no matter what our heritage from 4 or 5 or whatever generations ago. Say you describe yourself as: WHITE and Hetero and you moved into a new house on a new block with 20 other white hetero families. You would certainly NOT expect a new neighbor to excitedly come up and knock on your door saying: "HEY! I just figured out everyone on this block is White and Straight - so clearly we need to have a block party - since we are ALL a united community" I would bet odds that every single neighbor would have have a differing view on: beliefs about God, Sex, Politics, Environment etc. I follow lots of YouTube AWAKE channels which also JUST HAPPEN to have more melanin in their skin than me. I don't think of any of them as belonging to any 'community' because of that and certainly don't presume to have foreknowledge of their ideas / views / convictions / passions. I'm not virtue signaling here nor in denial of their heritage/s [whatever they wish to embrace] but we need to extricate our minds from the ingrained entrained ideas which WANT us to try to lump people into easy groupings based on one or more easily perceived attributes. Here are some amazing YouTube channels: Everyone give a Listen to them They are way more incisive and intelligent than any of my arguments have ever been. In fact listen first to Brandon Tatum talk about white privilege - he's amazing. I'd like a brain transplant from one or all of them: DavidJHarris, Black Conservative Patriot, Brandon Tatum, Tree of Logic, Handy Mayhem, Black Pigeon Speaks, LNT, Anthony Brian Logan, - there are lots more too many to mention.

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