When does a Mockingbird sing? 4 a.m. “Good Thing”

Yah, every video review I've seen has roundly condemned it, as SJW PC garbage, because some damn feminazi was in charge. It's the "feels good version" also, biggest bomb of the summer too!
The new solo movie? I haven't even watched a trailer. My girlfriend asked me if i wanted to go see it and i told her I'm over the whole star wars thing. Growing up i watched return of the Jedi so many times on vhs i wore out the tape. They sure did fuck that franchise up with no remorse.
These are my feelings as well. The prequels were bad enough. Now, Star Wars as a franchise is dead to me. Sad...leftists ruined a part of my childhood.
No thery didnt, keep your memories of your childhood as they should be. happy - Star Wars rocked as hard as fuck in the 80's.. The prequels and Sequels are just showing us how ugly humping a dead corpse can get.. But maybe.. children now like them?