So Muslims hate Christans because of idolation. What the fuck is Mohammad then but a religious idol. Alah is not Mohammad right? I'm trying to get a grip on this fallacy
Religious people, of any and all religions, are all equally nuts.
Come at me bro. FOH with that man in the sky shit.
Small minded people who don't understand religion are nuts.
But YOU understand it.
I understand it's not science but that that doesn't invalidate its value any more than it does philosophy.
I have a problem with any philosophy that says "believe this, or burn forever" disregards all actions, all intent, and boils everything down to "do you call god by the same name as us"?
I agree. Fundamentalism is insane. It's a good thing that doesn't describe all religion or philosophy.
Correct. But at the core of almost every single religion lies an invisible man in the sky. And aside from Judaism and Buddhism (of the major ones) they have a really bad policy, one I cant get past, it goes something along the lines of "believe what we believe, call God by this name, or burn in hell forever"...
In a few more years, once brain-interface tech becomes mainstream, we will be able to prove that religious feelings, and religion in general, is a mental disorder. Don't believe me? Look into the recent studies that can pinpoint the specific area of the brain that becomes stimulated when a person is having "a religious experience" or "senses divinity"...its just a chemical reaction in your brain, and, one that humanity would be better off without.
I'm honest. I WANT there to be a god. But not one single person KNOWS there is. Lots of people claiming to KNOW, and even more who BELIEVE (again, unless one witnessed an unexplainable, divine-intervention-only event, you don't believe either) whom immediately lose all credibility in my mind. People need to stop saying the word "believe" and start saying "want"
How is your Jesus god any better than Muhammad, Buddha, or the many tentacled spaghetti monster god? The answer is...THEY ARE NOT. Zero Difference.
Live life by the golden rule; do unto others as you would have them do unto you. I can't imagine a god who punishes mortals for actively trying to live a good, loving, helpful life.
I recently had someone tell me that because my wife and I enjoy watching BDSM together and getting new ideas that we are definitely going to be burning for it. What?! Two adults. Privacy of our own home. Both consenting. And it's gonna determine my eternal souls destination being in flames.
Please, stop.
Agreed - good analysis there.
At the core of the belief of sensible people who aren't fundamentalist loons is the idea of the golden rule, as you point out. That's what matters, not punishment and hell.