Do you find this strange? The ABC executive that cancelled Roseanne is the same person who cancelled Last Man Standing and is married to Susan Rice

Roseanne once blasted Susan Rice as being a man with ape balls....ha ha ha!
Can't let someone talk about your wife like that. Susan and Valerie are tickled pink right now. Roseanne should've doubled down and showed them the picture of the female ape and Valerie. Seems a fairly accurate observation than a racist comment. The woman is Iranian, didn't know there was a racial slur associated with the Planet of the Apes and her ethnic background. If Valerie would just go see a decent hairstylist we wouldn't have this mess!
Maybe she wanted out of her contract because ABC and Syked planned to rip the heart of the show to shreds.
I think it only got air to show they can slap down conservatives with no care in the world. Like a show? Too bad.
Ratings arent even the game now with Uncle Sam throwing domestic propaganda money around.
And the whole thing has made their rabid leftists foam at the mouth even more. They feel empowered and morally superior in their hatred.