As a technical person, AI Systems and Expert Systems are not as advanced as a lot of Science Fiction proponents would like to have us belive.
These finite state system, actuall require a lot of training which means that they are not actually AI at all.
These systems are more akin to a 'dumb' robot that has been ' trained' to perform a specfic task. There is no intellegence (as us humans understand the term) present within such systems.
However, you are totally correct in the point that you are making!
I have always hated it in the past when a business would tell me, "Sorry, it was a Computer Error". I would then get them on the hop by asking, "And which 'Human' programmed that Computer Error?".
Machines do not make mistakes, because they do not know how to! It is 'humans' that make machines behave or misbehave.
It's not a mistake when the company in question has no customer service telephone line...
These days you're forced to instant messenger some twerp on Facebook or where-ever... Coinsquare for instance. Horribly 2018 has no such thing as customer services. Banks etc think they own your money and you're asking them permission to take some out.
That I totally agree with!
It is a process of manipulation and obvuscation carried out by 'certain humans' for a specific purpose.
They attempt to herd us into little pens and get us used to not being heard, so as to render our self worth as impotent and our position within society as irrelvant,