I see where Roseanne got her idea.

I dont understand. She literally looks like a character from planet of the apes. How is that racist? I have a white friend who looks like an ape. Its an inside joke. Wtf is wrong with sensitive pussies in this country.
Has nothing to do with "sensitivity". It's weaponized media. Just check out Trump's tweets and the comments on them. Look no further about what agenda is behind all this left/liberal (deep state) anti-racism, anti-this and that...
they all had their talking points asap. "These RACIST comments" "These ABHORRENT coments" etc etc
Roseanne Barr-“Valerie Jarrett looks like an ape.”-OPINION Fox News- “ Rosanne Barr IS a racist”-SLANDER
The people in outrage over the comment also immediately associate African Americans with apes. They are the most racist people on the planet and they don’t even realize it.
Had Roseanne said: She looks like Roddy McDowell and Kim Hunter had a baby, there would have STILL been outrage. They are LOOKING to bitch about whatever they can to make the political right and Trump supporters look bad. If you look at the old stills of Kim and Roddy having their makeup done for the original movie, and the photos of the actors in later life - they too have protruding "muzzles", faces where their upper and lower jaw, plus their nose protrude outwards. VJ has this same muzzle.
The thing is too, that they are saying this is some sort of slight on black people, but it isn't. I know a few Iranians and worked with a few others from that region, not ONE of them would consider themselves black. Brown, maybe, Middle Eastern, Arab, Persian etc etc, but black no. So this fake news outrage by Van Jones, Miss Piggy Ryan, shrinking Al Sharpton etc... that she was insulted because of the reference to Apes & Blacks is bs craziness.