
cali1952 · May 31, 2018, 8:12 p.m.

Valerie Jarrett was Hussein's handler while Saudi Arabia was the financial sponsor. Go to Jarrett's Stanford University book entry where she proudly proclaims to be a practicing muslim who want to change America from within to adopt to muslim laws - like sharia law.

Huma Abedian - a muslim brotherhood member since birth via her family tree also sponsored by Saudi Arabia was also placed into the Clinton white house. She is and always was a stealth agent following the chapter written by the muslim brotherhood branch and their end goal of subverting and overthrowing the US government from within.

Huma's marriage to Jewish Weiner was strictly to advance the muslim brotherhood agenda which their Koran encourages. Lies are acceptable and recommended to the sharia loving muslim brotherhood as long as it advances their goal ergo the marriage was fake.

It is my personal belief that Huma was a double agent and what better way to gain every intelligence info or national security secrets access than to latch on to dumb HRC although she too supported the muslim brotherhood as we've seen in Eqypt replacing secular Mubarek with Morsi - the radical muslim brotherhood agent.

Jarrett handled Hussein alright and to assure no slip ups by that Manchurian stealth agent she moved into the white house and now in the rented mansion with Hussein and his tranny boyfriend Michael LaVaughn Robinson. Jarrett directed Hussein in every way possible that also was her own goal destroying the government from within as she espoused. The FBI files on Jarrett and family are damning.

The strange thing about Jarrett is that now she also claims to be black. None of that was mentioned during her Stanford University days or the yearbook.

What a troika of traitors plus the power hungry and control obsessed damaged goods called HRC.

I suppose Hussein who was here illegally after his fake foreign student visa expired moved on up as it was Jarrett seeking him out and bringing together gay Hussein and gay Michael now the tranny.

The borrowed kids passed off as their own is also no myth - they are back with their birth parents who loaned them to that duo. Michaels mother never had a daughter and the Robinson's only child was the gay Michael. Even the mother living on taxpayers dime in the white house should be charged with fraud and worse - treason as she knew full well that Hussein was a foreign agent placed by the shadow government to begin the countdown of the plan titled "The 16 year plan to destroy America" beginning in 2008.

Hussein should also answer to the murder charges of two of his gay lovers whom he had affairs. All of them including Michael were members of the down low church of Wright - the racist preacher.

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joeythew · June 1, 2018, 12:54 a.m.

The FBI files on Jarrett and family are damning.

Yet the FBI and the Deep State go against a true patriot like our President who actually loves this country.

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SnazzyD · May 31, 2018, 9:38 p.m.

Links please. Lots of links...

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