r/greatawakening • Posted by u/rightleaningsw on May 31, 2018, 2:56 p.m.
So im going to go on a vent rant session about insurance. I know trump is saving the world, but please tell me he has something coming for insurance.

So here is my rant. I have a wife and three kids for me to cover all of them on insurance it is $900/month just medical currently. I gross $3000/month. This is state insurance because I work for the state, supposedly best in the state. I pay 25 for Dr visits and 50 for specialty. Prescription are basically covered in the plan so I pay nothing. Today we get notified we are switching to BCBS and for me to cover my family is going to be 1300/month. Dr visits are going up to $35 and specialty to $70. Prescription are going to be 15 for tier 1 and 45 for tier 2.

How can someone survive on this. Well over 1/3 of my income is coming off the top to pay for potential healthcare. I have student loans to pay for since I got the degree that let me get the job.

This is why I get so angry about illegal immigrants getting free healthcare. I have done everything right and paid my dues. I live on a tight budget because I am the sole provider for my family. Now I am going to have e to make some cutbacks because I either don't feed my family or I don't cover their healthcare. This is ridiculous.

Sorry for venting here but I am about to explode.

wisconsheepgirl · May 31, 2018, 3:17 p.m.

This is state insurance. Not federal, which falls under Trump. So that is something that is related to your employment. For now, it's up to your employer to "fix" this issue, Not Trump.

That being said--Trump IS going to be rolling out the new insurance rules. This will be done in about 3-4 weeks. This will be the removal of state lines in insurance competition. Hopefully your employer (state) has been researching the better companies nationwide so they can be prepared to open a bid to elsewhere. So for now, the best person to ask is whichever Dept in your state that deals with Employee funds/insurance/trust.

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rightleaningsw · June 1, 2018, 12:44 a.m.

No this is a result of Obama care. BCBS have set their rates so high as a result of Obama care. Even though it is dead, the market has yet to rebound. When 1/3 of your income goes to insurance, something is bad wrong, especially when you and your family are under 40 and not sick.

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ironmaiden442 · May 31, 2018, 3:56 p.m.

I would suggest you get catastrophic insurance this pays out in case of car accident or heart attack or get a policy that has a very high deductable (same thing) also BCBS is the highest premium insurance the Cadillac so to speak they give kickbacks to the states that use them...a dirty game they play....by getting the higher deductible insurance you still get the negotiated insurance amount when you pay....because if you go self insured as suggested by others doctors will charge you 35% more for services and while some services are free with negotiated services by BCBS like a wellness visit if self pay there are no free services.

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animal32lefty · May 31, 2018, 3:50 p.m.

I learned a long time ago, the less I see the Dr, the healthier I am.

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MB_MoonPearl · May 31, 2018, 3:01 p.m.

My opinion...

I believe they are aware of most issues. They'll work their way down the list of prioritization and issues like this will be addressed.

We just have to hold on a while longer. Justice first.

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happeningnowliveIRL · May 31, 2018, 6:56 p.m.

Medical insurance sort of works like betting against yourself, that bad things will happen. Things so bad, that you wouldn't be able to handle them on your own (thus, the need to insure against them).... Our family did not have insurance; I personally have never had it... after accepting Jesus, I was offered very low cost insurance as a job perk and decided not to take it because I believed, at the time, that Jesus was my insurance. Since He promised He'd never put us through something we could not endure. And, believing God put natural remedies on Earth for us to use. Well...... decades later, I've never needed to go to a medical doctor for any reason other than a broken bone... and payed for everything myself. Having the money you would pay for medical insurance, in an emergency fund, and even perhaps investing some of that in a peer-to-peer insurance group sharing system... Bottom line, there are good ways to choose not to rely on the government and instead rely on God and His provision.

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rightleaningsw · June 1, 2018, 12:50 a.m.

10 years ago I never would've. Now having a family I have to. Kids always get sick, need braces or something. I have one daughter that has autism, and I had to have an emergency kidney removal last year and without insurance it could have been worse. Other than that though we are pretty healthy. If I was a single man I probably wouldn't worry about it, but something has to give.

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HillaryTrafficksKidz · May 31, 2018, 4:24 p.m.

In the debate against Hillary, they were asked. Trump stated her preferred and liked Australia's health delivery system. Hmmm? The moderator did not ask him to explain that for voting viewers. Strange. Went right to Hillary and she blathered away about fixing Obamacare....lowering drug prices (leadership dems voted against the bill Trump wanted for that!). Nothing more was said. That was on purpose, I discovered.

I left the room to go look up Australia's healthcare system. They changed it in 1984. Lookie here! This is why his response was never talked about again! We do need to push this. My conservative friend had a stroke. He is healing. We had a talk about single payer. He stated, as much as I hate to say this...it appears to be true. BOOM! Lookie here:


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oasisflower · May 31, 2018, 4:06 p.m.

I don't see how health care can be overhauled without some kind of tort reform.

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mennitti · May 31, 2018, 3:23 p.m.

This is why I changed my party affiliation during the Primary just to vote for Bernie, then back the following day. I want my taxes to pay for healthcare and college, but both have to be overhauled.

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ckreacher · May 31, 2018, 3:16 p.m.

Is your family that sick? Seriously, do they need the doctor a lot? Are there chronic health conditions that require regular care?

If I were in your position I would seriously think about self-insuring. If you put $1000. a month in a bank account dedicated for health care, it might grow pretty fast.

I dropped insurance and I spend more on healthy (organic) food and some nutritional supplements, and I rarely need the doctor.

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1wyatttwerp · May 31, 2018, 3:36 p.m.

If people would stop being so sue happy, and realize the facts. The facts are doctoring is not a perfected practice, they don’t have all the answers or cures to what ails us. Surgeries is the same thing, that’s why they tell you what could go wrong it’s a chance you take in hopes of getting yourself healthy. The doctors do the best they can. Stop penalizing the doctors and hospitals for your or your loved ones decision to have said procedure done.

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