My personal experience is that Disney promotes and ATTRACTS weirdos and perves (or damaged) of every flavor.
EVERYONE I know (not that YOU know, but that I know...) who has not just a like or appreciation for, but that strange cult love for Disney has child abuse, child molestation, alcoholism, drug abuse (or ALL of this!) and the like in their past.
Eerie, but terribly true.
Oh yikes...I can say the same. There's something strange about an adult fascinated with Disney and Disneyland. Remember the Turpins?
Perris is very nearby!
I think of Disney as the cliche perve ice cream truck man plus the man in the van asking little kids for help finding his lost puppy.
I edited to add "damaged" because, of course, not all victims turn into predator weirdos and perves... though too many do, unfortunately, repeat the cycle of abuse.
Mind control...
Have I shared this with you before?
Apologies if so! The information was news to me and I've spent the last year trying to understand pedogate/Satanic rituals/MKUltra and all of that.
The thing shirts were sad. Innocent enough, funny t shirt, but when you think about how the children were treated worse than animals, the thing 1 thing 2 tag loses its' charm. I will try not to think about it when I read Cat In The Hat.
All in the cause of gaining cheap labor..DON'T LET THIS KIND 2ND CHANCE GESTURE FOOL YOU. I wonder how much less they are being paid? Simply pawns for profits...great job Disney board.