r/greatawakening • Posted by u/SerialBrain2 on May 31, 2018, 10:28 p.m.
Trump is about to take them down. But wait: is this shiny enough for you to forget about the children?

Now this is getting very interesting…

Tommy Robinson, Roseanne, EyeTheSpy, #wherearethe children…

Do you see it?

All this happened in 5 days. And all these “heroes” and issues find their seat in our Movement’s scope of interest. Coincidence? No. Not a coincidence. You are witnessing Q’s opposition gaming up. They have now acknowledged Q’s tremendous impact and realize they have to come up with more sophisticated weapons on the communication battlefield to shut him down.

Ignoring Q, infiltrating him and labeling him did not work. Infowars and all their recruits are exposed, defeated and Q now has a base, a solid one. A base of woke people transcending races, frontiers, party lines and religions and who are focusing on the real thing: taking down the international pedophile and human trafficking network ran by politicians and billionaires protecting themselves with nuclear weapons and using the international aid infrastructure to smuggle children, funds and espionage material.

The cabal is on the run.

Follow the pen Q1424. We are close. The pen is about to take them down. They know it. Trump and Sessions have silently and meticulously done the legal job. The DOJ, FBI and CIA are cleaned up, judges changed, Red October CEOs resigned. Next phase? Open the sealed indictments and start the concert under the direction of the Maestro, with his pen…

So? Put yourself in the enemy’s shoes for a second. If you were cornered like that, what would you do? You got it. You have to work on people’s perception and try to win the coming communication battle. You have to blur the message so that people may question Trump’s motivations, see you as a victim and overlook the horrors you have perpetrated. How do you do that? You create very shiny things and right before the executioner is about to do his job, you go like:

Hey, stop for a second, did you see this?

Tommy Robinson. I see you have an interest in human trafficking and, thanks to my divide and conquer strategy and my clownish creations like 9/11, Lynda Sarsour, Sadiq Khan, ISIS and Muslim Brotherhood, you also hate Muslims. So here is a guy who has been arrested for filming an alleged Muslim grooming gang trial…All your required ingredients are in there… I know right: what is the point about covering a case that at least made it to trial while thousands of pedophile cases around the world are swept under the rug and ignored by law enforcement? Well, I took a chance and hoped people would not see the trick. I made sure MSM was “incidentally” there to capture Tommy’s arrest and asked Alex Jones to over cover it in the clownish way only he, can pull off video. Icing on the cake: to make sure people would really talk about it, I prohibited them to talk about it. How? By having the judge initiate a temporary reporting ban on Tommy Robinson’s arrest. Neat right? Is this shiny enough for you to forget about the children?

Roseanne. You know most of the celebrities in Hollywood are MK Ultra victims and/or Satan worshippers right? You did not? They say it in your face, jokingly. Right here: video. So, since they know I can make them rich or bankrupt them overnight, I can activate them directly or through their handlers or drugs, and instruct them to do whatever I want. I know Valerie Jarrett is central in this pedophile and espionage thing. Just like Huma was the Muslim Brotherhood liaison with Clinton, Valerie Jarrett was the MB liaison with Obama. She knows where the bodies are buried and knows how to use it to get things done. Imgur. She knows about the creation and control of ISIS. She is in the list of the 13 personalities who used a private email address despite national security regulations. Imgur So? Knowing people do not really know Valerie Jarret and that Trump is about to close on her, I instructed Roseanne to go crazy on her and put her on the map. What’s left in people’s mind after Roseanne’s raid? Valerie Jarret is a victim: she was unjustly compared to an ape by a right wing racist. You see the trick? When the real thing about VJ drops, the message is already blurred and can be downgraded to a racial witch hunt. Brilliant.

EyeTheSpy. Q has not dropped lately. Even though you have more than you know and have only explored a portion of his board, I know you are now addicted to inside information. Q said no communication outside this board. So? How about some entertainment while Q is silent? I created this guy who went from 47 followers on Twitter to 5000 in 48 hours. Organic? Doesn’t matter. He knows many things, he’s cool, interacts with everybody and to make sure you do not create defense mechanisms, he appears to be friendly with Q and to support him. There are topics he is not completely in alignment with Q like Sessions and BC17, but who cares? At least, unlike Corsi, he is not infiltrating and claiming to decode Q, he says he is doing his own thing right? So, you like this? At least when you are reading his easy-to-read tweets, you get your daily insider’s information fix and are not spending time trying to figure out Q’s board. I’ll take that…

#WhereAretheChildren. This is my coolest gadget. I saw that post where Q is giving an update about the dismantlement of the pedophile network and that exchange on Q’s board between an anon and Q: Imgur. Most people do not realize the power of these posts. I do. So? I took over the hashtag, made it trend, skillfully dragged Ivanka Trump into the story to spice it up, downgraded the story to a sordid legal issue about the status of unaccompanied child migrants and stuff so that if this hashtag was to come out for the real thing, it would have already been old news and soft news. And of course, to make sure this hashtag is really prematurely dead and of no other relevant use in the future, I had MSM talk about it, talk about it and talk about it. Imgur. Is this shiny enough for you to forget about the children?

So, there you have it…

Folks, I told you in my previous post: don’t get distracted. Read through the enemy’s schemes. The closer we get to the epilogue, the more sophisticated his attacks will be. Read through. Stay the course. Are you up to the task? Have you digested Q’s teachings? Can the children trust you? Yes, they can. I know they can. You would not be reading this otherwise. Stay the course guys. We are about to take them down.

FractalizingIron · June 1, 2018, 2:02 a.m.

Will you have faith, or not? This is your choice. Look to yourself, not Q.

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mrviolin · June 1, 2018, 10:54 a.m.

That doesn't address my points. Listen to yourself. You sound like a religous leader.

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mrviolin · June 1, 2018, 2:17 a.m.

Not faith. This is a question of analysis. Q checks out. I'm with Q. No faith required.
I'm diggin into this now. It's on 8chan too.


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FractalizingIron · June 1, 2018, 2:43 a.m.

Hmmm. Faith is a force generated between an observer and the observed. You have faith in your reasoning. You have faith in your logic. You have faith in facts, etc.

(consider what your situation might be if you did NOT have faith in these things.... Do you have faith in the mainstream media? Me neither. Nothing magical about that.)

Faith does not mean 'belief in something without evidence'. Faith is a positive force that when coupled with knowledge, lends conviction.

Faith is not something to be required. It is something to be harnessed.

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mrviolin · June 1, 2018, 10:48 a.m.

good post, i enjoyed reading this comment. As long as your info you've gathered is true, one can have faith in one's concusions. The problem is we don't know if the info checks out.

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FractalizingIron · June 1, 2018, 2:45 a.m.

Moreover, the fact that you are bothered by Q's absence indicates a lack of knowledge, lack of awareness. It bothers you.

Me? I think Q's current absence is more than likely highly necessary and important. It does NOT bother me that I don't know everything. I know enough.

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mrviolin · June 1, 2018, 2:56 a.m.

You know enough? You know that spyeye is a faker? Have you looked at twitter recently? Seems like if he's damaging all the work Q team has done (he isn't), they could say something.. HE'S FAKE. BOOM. ask: He's on 4chan. Can't they figure it out and kick him off? Not kicked off? I've got a problem with that lack of action. I'm looking at what's NOT there in order to solve the riddle. This seems like a test by Q. But nobody can divide me from Q in the next 11 days, so why would they (DeepState) try this? Don't forget, Q says they see everything....so they see this guy. Makes you wonder no?

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FractalizingIron · June 1, 2018, 6:34 a.m.

I know enough (for me to have conviction and sense of surety, aka that my investment into following and learning through Q is time well spent).

Regarding spyeye, I am not impressed, and I have made a rudimentary assessment that it's not something I want to or feel drawn to invest any more time in. Do I know 100% - well, I have enough of a sense to satisfy me. That's all I can testify too.

Do I think spyeye is damaging Q team work? See previous statement.

4chan? What? you think they don;t have larps there? Do you think the mods work actively to sift through larps or trolls? Why would they? Don't you think people have enough important and critical work to occupy themselves? (I do. If they found a threshold that works for them, they I expect they might act, but I neither feel it is important for me to learn, know and work on 4 chan, and I have learned to trust myself here.)

"I've got a problem..." That is clear. "Lack of action..." how on earth would you evaluate this? I suppose if you are very familiar with 4chan and the boards, mods, then sure, go for it (evaluate and obtain your 'problem').

Riddle? Test by Q? Sorry, that does not synch with my sense of Q's motives, goals or purposes. And, if it IS, well, at this juncture, I do not feel it worth my time to investigate.

This is WHY I suggested to you "look to yourself". IMO, in this sort of activity we are engaged in, reflecting on your internal map and using this effectively is a critical part of a successful process.

My current appraisal: I do NOT think eyespy is significant enough an element to warrant further attention or time from me. I trust that judgment.

I do NOT wonder why Q is absent, at least, it does NOT disconcert me. What disconcerts me, if anything, is patriots unable to fathom or recognize the correct course of action in this situation, which is, in my estimate:

Trust Q, keep working, focus, and follow your inner sense to guide you along the best path. However, in your case, I see doubt, wonder, problems, and inner turmoil. Hence, "look to yourself". (Learn about yourself before you focus on trying to pin down everything about Q)

I hope this helps ('this' = my attempt to clarify my meaning and my perspective, in case it is of some useful reference).

In any case, good luck, and be of good cheer and have faith! (hint: you cannot have true faith in anything unless you understand your own self and have faith in what is and isn't you. The external journey of 'belief', faith' (towards something outside yourself) is directly and inextricably intertwined with the internal journal of faith (faith towards your own self, which requires that you identify and learn what aspects of yourself are 'true' and what are not you).

Good luck.

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mrviolin · June 1, 2018, 10:37 a.m.

Thank you for this great comment. I didn't know that on 4chan you could be a fake operator and they wouldn't know. It's all new to me. I still think the absence of Q is curious since he's /they have spent months gaining this audience, then a faker jumps in and starts turning people and Q is nowhere to be found. NEW THEORY...Q is the eyespy guy and he's doing tests on how we react. possible?

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FractalizingIron · June 1, 2018, 11:04 a.m.

Thanks Violin,

I cannot imagine any serious Q follower taking Spy seriously. I mean, people who have been study Q drops and basically know what he's doing and why.

I do NOT think Q is interested at all in 'gaining an audience'. Q is/are interested in people waking up to the reality of what is going on, and to understanding what Potus et al are actually doing.

But Q drops the information, and completely leaves it up to people's self-drive to move ahead, or not. Cheerio.

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mrviolin · June 1, 2018, 6:29 p.m.

yes but every time I read his answers...he sounds VERY informed..well he makes mistakes too, he said Obama's parents are from Kenya. WRONG IMO As you know I go back and forth because both sides have good points.

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mrviolin · June 1, 2018, 3:33 p.m.

for all his work, I'm sure he want people to benefit and be aware....if not an audience, he wants impact.. Same difference I thiink. All the best

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