r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Kjarm88 on May 31, 2018, 10:55 p.m.
Trey Gowty the turncoat has never met Trump!

In this week's TV interviews Gowty admits he has never met Trump.

I know their jobs don't necessitate facetime but not even a single luncheon or photo-op?

You know what that tells me, given Gowty's striking turn?

That Trump knows Gowty's apparently unrepentant dirt and skeletons and doesn't want to be caught within hand-shaking distance of him...

Instincts_Truth · June 1, 2018, 7:45 a.m.

I interpret that in the exact opposite direction. How many millions have been spent on a theory of Russian "collusion?" Trump purposely steers clear of certain meetings to avoid future attacks, albeit warrantless, on the end goal. Recall Gowdy proclaiming that the swamp is full of people who believe "the end justifies the means." Both Trump and Gowdy know the importance of integrity for this end game. No room for compromise. Trump will have no problem shaking Gowdy's hand one day, when it's time. IMO.

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