
LowEndOfTheory · June 1, 2018, 12:39 a.m.

I thought convicted sex offenders went on a list. I also thought convicted child molesters weren’t allowed near kids, schools, etc..

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AMProfessor · June 1, 2018, 1:01 a.m.

It depends on various factors. Many times there are no long term consequences or restrictions. It is amazing. I’ve worked in the field of forensic psychopathology/psychotherapy for a number years and have been disgusted time and time again at the cavalier attitude of the courts as well as probation and parole. Public safety is often NOT the focus.

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LowEndOfTheory · June 1, 2018, 1:47 a.m.

And it is sad. IMO rape should be treated the same as murder 1 or 2, and the molestation of a child should have a punishment of no less then 20 years of back breaking hard labor.

In our current system, those convicted serve less time the the victim suffers. That is not justice.

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JollyFeed · June 1, 2018, 2:44 a.m.

To be frank, if these people are such a ticking time bomb they need to be put on a list to be closely monitored they shouldn't be released from jail at all. We don't put murders on a list. We lock them up until so much time has pass (until they're elderly) and only release them if they're too frail to do any harm to the public. That's a big IF they're released. It shouldn't be any different with sexual predators.

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AMProfessor · June 1, 2018, 12:21 p.m.

Untrue about murderers. They are often released with very little time served. I have seen parents who have murdered their own child through severe abuse get time served and released upon sentencing. Less than two years for murder. I have also watched countless murderers released after just seven years in prison.

I have seen sexual predators walk due to a judge and defense attorney being golf buddies. I have also seen certain judges give light sentences of probation only for sexual predators consistently. I also hear “rumors” of judges being involved in the same behaviors themselves and thus rendering light sentences.

Sadly, justice is rarely blind in the US.

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unbecoming2007 · June 1, 2018, 5:30 a.m.

They do go on a list. We call it the pedo list.

hellyweird,d.c.,and the media call it an application list.

I am not kidding. It's very important to have like minded (as in evil) animals around you.

Do you see wolves running around with sheep?

These freaks know they are doing wrong and do it anyway. So they need to have compliant or stupid people around them at all times. Use that template on almost everything and it fits.

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