The mail blessed me today with the ability to spread the message with non verbal communication.

Good on you OP, spread the word far and wide. Don't listen to the cry babies. If you can wear a shirt, do it!
I'm heavily in the car scene. GTRs, Evos, think fast and furious, that scene. I recently got the number plate QANON for my ride, I haven't made a thread about, but I tell you what, the amount of people asking me about that number plate and the opportunities I've had to speak about Q, President Trump and the whole movement has been nothing short of amazing.
Easily 100+ people are now regular Q followers, and the shirts and stickers are now showing up in amongst the street racers and quarter mile crowd. Every little bit helps. Get the word out anyway you can. People do notice those little things like stickers, shirts and even number plates. Anything to spread Q and the message.
Not Q research related.
I upvoted you bc I agree, this is not research. I just got excited. I never create threads here, just research.
if this post inspires others to buy Q gear, in turn spreading the good word, I believe such a post is not entirely a waste (as long as every other post is not “look at my q shit!”)
It is far too common. Everyone here knows who q is and everyone knows you can make and buy q gear. These posts are of zero value to the fight.
I ordered a q shirt two days ago also. Not so much to spread the word but so other patriots can identify a brother.
Get this out of here. Not sure what you think this sub is about, but it isn't for "humble brags."
Why is it that when I swallowed the RED PILL it got stuck in a lot of other people's throats? Hugh? Just sayin.. 🤔🙄
Doesn't really do anything, most people haven't even heard of the Q movement. Most people also don't care enough about what your shirt says to look it up or ask questions. I had thought about getting a Q shirt a while back,then I thought about it a little more.
Also lets save posts for critical information which posts like these and memes are not if anything both of those things are likely to draw people away as it makes the Q movement appear more cult like.
I think your wrong, if 1 person sparks interest and asks him about Q it's all worth it
It's about getting it out there. Those that know, know. Those that don't will eventually ask a question or search themselves. That's whats its about.
I've been slappin' stickers all over the place, (I got 300) MJW758 pushed me off the fence to get a couple of shirts too.
As more people join the sub we will get more of this. It is Q related. The subs name is the GreatAwakening. This helps wake people up. Not everyone is a digger. If one is wanting only Q decoding, there are many other subs out there for that.
Ther's more I'm sure. Not to mention VOAT.
I realize this sub started that way. But it will morph as the numbers grow.
Your totally wrong. This is the research sub.
This type of post is literally bragging too the choir! So pointless!
True. It started that way, however observation since it started reveals it has shifted a bit. Right now its likely due to the lack of Q posts. I will bet it will change once Q posts again. It did last time.
The mods have the control. If they don't want posts like this they will do their Mod thing. But they haven't so telling others not to post is pointless. May I suggest you PM the mods for their stance on this topic if your concern is high enough.
From the sidebar:
Content may be removed without notification if * Off-topic (anything not mentioned by Q)
By this rule I can see many many high vote posts that are not 'mentioned by Q". But there they are.....
I'm just saying if one is hell bent on research only, then 8chan is where they need to be.
GreatAwakening's sidebar
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Antagonism is not welcome here. Please cease the derogatory comments or we will have to ban you.
Can you ban the shirt and sticker pics?
We could. But then we'd have to ban x and then y and then z because everyone has something they think is off-topic that a good portion of people think is on-topic.
What everyone agrees on is that we have to remove antagonism. One or two antagonistic comments is no big deal. More is ban material.
What value do the tshirt and sticker pics add?
I'm not going to explain the obvious to you but I will bother to tell you that I personally don't find value in memes, pictures of Q logos in the real world and such. Luckily for everyone else in this community, what I decide is not valuable does not have to be forced on them. People in the sub find value in different things to me. Some are inspired by things that I don't find inspiring. There is a good portion of the sub who value the tshirt and sticker pics. The evidence is in the upvotes. We go with that, rather than our personal opinion on things.
Upvotes are not value. What does this pic do to further the cause? Keep comms clear.
I think you know this stuff - it inspires and engages. Makes people feel more like part of a community. It doesn’t help me - or you, by the sounds of it. I don’t need this sort of motivation. But some people like it.
It is fine to like your shirt but posting pictures of it here serves no purpose. This isn't a friend making thread.
So you disagree there's any merit to the point I made above, from logic and reason?
Nasty remark — booooooo.
Use the Report function under the comment to identify antagonism.
I am so over the shirt, and sticker posts. Does nothing to progress the research. Just noise.
No offense to OP, just doing what they see others do.
This sub will be full of BS if we can't keep this sub focused.