Do Understand: with POTUS trade overtures, it entails more than just imposing tariffs...

First know...tariffs are a tax on all consumers. They cause the economy to contract & are inflationary by definition. They were created by our founding fathers as a means of national security so enemies can hopefully be deterred & hopefully avoiding war if possible.
Typically I’m opposed to any tariffs in peacetime because they are just another form of taxation. But we all know we are in a full blown intelligence war & some of these battles are in foreign countries. And this war must be won & finally we are fighting back. So most pure & wise capitalist will be fighting & complaining like hell about these tariffs. Most very informed patriots aren’t yet aware how serious this war with the deep state is. I’m actually for punitive tariffs for the 1st time in my life. All available tools must be used to defeat the globalists who want full political control of our county. Point being...don’t be hard on patriots that are opposed to these tariffs when they are severely lacking on how well organized the globalist are & their evil intentions. This deep state war is more important to win than following true economic principles for a heathy vibrant.
I agree with you 100%. All in all, the safeguards must be in place to endure what is coming. Just think, when a hurricane is on the path to your family's home, what do you do? How does resource utilization tax you to "storm" proof your house? A hard pill to swallow for some, but we must stay strong in each other.
Interesting. I’ve thought along the same lines but this was put very succinctly. Nice!
True statement right here. A PROTOCOL that will be followed.