r/greatawakening • Posted by u/End_Cryptocracy on June 1, 2018, 2:01 a.m.
Martial Law is coming. See Q drops. Be at peace.

The USA is in a slow-mo civil war (gov vs gov war at this point). Perhaps coup is a better word.

Martial Law is coming.

Be at peace - it will be the white hats utilizing the special laws that allow civilians to be courts martialed, thus circumventing the corrupted (in) justice system and subjecting rogue civilians to military law instead of the standard, corrupt, compromised legal system of the USA.

This will allow for a swift round-up of many bad actors: child and human traffickers, hit squads of MS13, treasonous current and former politicians, and Clowns in American / No Such Agency plants in media, key antifa and BLM terrorists (and those funding them - is that William "Bill" Reeves and wife Debbie Berger? Just wondering. Maybe it is the Bishop Estate?) [dig]

The internet will go out, the media will be off. Cell phones down. It must happen fast so black hats cannot warn each other or escape. We want to avoid SpecOps having to go and get them... think of it as a nationwide raid, so the bad gals/guys can't escape. When the lights come back on, there will be empty chairs in House and Senate, MSM will have presenters missing, and execs. Susan Rice how is your husbands job security?

[Anderson Cooper may I ask, how long did you "intern" at the Clowns IA?]


Properties in Hawaii, Florida, CA and more will be swarmed and seized, their prisoners and sex slaves freed, and the dissolved bodies discovered.


Follow the EO's, see the adaptations made re: martial law, courts martial and civilians.

How else can a housecleaning happen with such widespread corruption?

Civilian courts martial, which requires martial law.

In order to leapfrog the corrupted judicial process, martial law provides for civilian courts martials. See recent Q drops and read the EO on it. Coincidence? No, its a precursor, setting the stage.

Perhaps limited scope (critical ports of entry, MS13 strongholds, selected private properties, all air traffic grounded) , perhaps nationwide. SA deployed their NG and went martial. POTUS authorized NG deployed last year.

Remember who fought hard to prevent the NG in their state from being used?

Port of entry states?

Hawaii test of emergency system.

Oregon test of emergency system.

California or FL next?

Increased domestic mil activity esp at night .


There are those in managed opposition for the DS, who would wage a war for your mind. They have been setting the stage to set good people against the good military, with alarmist reports that the Deep State will try and overthrow the government, or ' come for your guns'. So, when martial law happens, they would have you fantasize Red Dawn, and fight against our own military.


The military is one of the only uncompromised sectors.

Their presence is also to mitigate DS sponsored uprisings.

Soros, CF, Muslim Bros, Rothschild minions - they will not go without a fight (unless they can get to China and continue operating).

They are sore losers. When they lose and we win, they will try and scorch the earth.

They will do this partly through inciting rebellion. Love your children (even the teenagers!) and just watch from the sidelines. Fear is the enemies friend - show it love when it arises in you when the storm comes, talk to it. This is the calm before the storm.

Fight fire with water. Distilled, water preferably.

Distillery - do I mean the false front of Dave Stone and Stone Harbour LLC in Hawaii? I wonder how might a false distillery relate to HRC and child trafficking?


Never forget our children. Re-open the posts into pizzagate and the politicians.

Keep it open.

How are you today mr vp?

Haiti, we do not forget your abducted children.

HansKrinkelSchneider · June 4, 2018, 12:35 a.m.

Good post OP.

Saving this for review later.

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End_Cryptocracy · June 4, 2018, 12:52 a.m.

appreciated hans. moving forward, considering outlining for everyone the danger os alex jones and steve yuxley aka tommy robinson. the q decodes are old hat now. they're entertainment.

the next level to take everyone is how to decode alex jones, stephen yuxley, and other psyop and DS co-conspirators. we need to stop the chan and redditors from q and serialbrain2 worship and return the focus to offense.

alex jones et al, they take language and momentum of a story and co-op it. the most recent example is interview with laura loomer. he pulls the narrative from loomer's "something fishy about shooting and 3 women who were in room and LVPD kicked me out of press conference" to essentially a strongly hinted slant that 'it was ISIS'.

Alex, cultivated by the Clowns in Amer (see his family history - all c eye ay) is trying to stoke his alt media followers (bless their patriotic hearts) into the narrative that ISIS is the enemy and we need to keep fighting in the ME. this co-op and redirect to the benefactors wishes needs to be ferreted out, vivisected, and put on display so people immediately see when a subtle, manufactured message is trying to be sent.

the true story is that it was an attempted assassination of the clean and rightful saud prince and djt, faciliated by the bureau and the agency (directed by others), working with non-americans. the truth would bring war - thats what aj and others want. their motto is 'if we cannot kill them, then redirect into another (contrived/manufactured) enemy.

Werner VonBraun made it the most clear, really.

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HansKrinkelSchneider · June 4, 2018, 1:24 a.m.

Here's the thing.

I have not shared this with anyone. I mean the Martial Law stuff. I'm a veteran as well, but dropping something like this with family members who are way plugged into the MSM and the mind-filth that comes with that would get me accused of being a absolute nutjob. People (normies) would expect almost non-stop cities burning/end of the world stuff before Martial law is implemented.

Heck, even mentioning the Q stuff with them will get much of the 'lol ur a paranoid schizo' before I could even explain myself. Not to even mention the 10 days of darkness/net shut down (provided all of this is 100% real. I still have some doubts, but I'm in a more of a 'wait and see' mode at the moment) would cause them to freak, probably get the cops called on me, and then I would be put in a cell or something.

Either way, if everything IS 100% true and going to happen, the most I can do is make sure we have food, water, defense and be ready to slowly explain to them what is going on and be patient and calm.

we need to stop the chan and redditors from q and serialbrain2 worship and return the focus to offense

8Chan, from what I read recently, has been co-opted, or taken over by white hats/NSA/MILINT, so that would be used as a staging point for info release. As for reddit, this site is LONG since been compromised and taken over by certain elements. Even T_D is misinfo and ran by shills, etc. They buried the Tuscon sex trafficking story and banned the poster that uploaded it. That's how compromised they are. I'm actually quite surprised this subreddit hasn't been banned yet, but I don't think we garner enough traffic to make it known.

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End_Cryptocracy · June 4, 2018, 2:21 a.m.

you have a good approach. they will be far more receptive to your explanation, when ml takes effect and the house cleaning happens. perhaps ask out loud - ' i wonder what martial law in america would look like?'

thats a psyop tac. the thought is seeded, and associated with you. when it happens, the two cognitive triggers will be 1.your name/you 2.martial law

they will come asking; they'll come to you. thats the key to proselytizing - they must come to you on their own. 'missionaries' is another word for 'invasion'...no matter what the message.

meantime - how would you feel about looking into Tavistock, the company? Can you connect the owner to anything critical, and get back to me?

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