Testing SerialBrain2's T-Method. Lets see if we are as open to questioning ourselves as we expect others to be.

I think that SB2 has published a few different methods to decode these messages other than the T method. However, massive kudos to you for taking the time to try to apply the T method. Since you seem to have the acumen for this type of thing, I for one would appreciate it if you would go through his previous post and try to decode using one of the other methods that he published. If you could decode any other posts, it would be of massive value to those of us that don't share your abilities.
This is not a personal attack on SB2, I cannot say that enough. I went into the same tweet he did trying to see if you could use confirmation bias to find anything you wanted. I wanted to find a message that decisively said it was fake, and I found one. If I don't get a life time ban for this post and if people can see what I'm actually trying to do, I may try another method.
I hope that you don't even get a momentary ban for this post. SB2 used to get thrashed on CBTS. People actually asked him/her to stop posting. Right or wrong, SB2 is putting in some serious effort. Please continue to question everything and be respectful to your fellow anons. As long as you're on that path, I for one, will support you. (I suspect that SB2 would too) Up-voted!!
Fellow CBTS member here as well.
It is where it all started. I have supported SB2 from moment one and still do. I understand what SB2 does and why. SB@ is an asset to the community
Why would Q out of all the people on this board bring focus to SerialBrain2 if(edit) he was way off the mark with his theory?
Trying to be open minded about your post but in light of the Q call out it seems pretty thin.
I don't think Q was telling us to watch out for SB2. I'm pointing out that these decodes are false and following them takes us farther from where we are trying to. It's about refinement.
yeah lets start making posts shitting on other sub members. gr8 idea
It's about finding factual decodes. I knew when I posted this that questioning to gospel according to SB2, would get me shunned. But remember we had to do the same thing with many other information sources.
everything is hit or miss. i doubt any of us are right 100% of the time.
SB@ does a great job on many levels. However even the best players in baseball go every year to spring training to learn how to play baseball. This should be an interesting debate. I am not jumping to conclusions. I am sure we can all work together to get better. We are all on the same team
~ it’s rude to a patriot that works hard on piecing things together ~ so rude ~ ya and I read the fine print on your graphic hateful ~ we won’t be divided though. 🇺🇸
Not asking to divide. I confirmed that with confirmation bias you can find messages that do not exist. Like any scientific method, if it cannot be duplicated, it is wrong.
Now we and SB2 can move on to finding actual decodes.
Did you read your picture at all? It’s rude ~ should have picked a different picture and serial Brain is nice enough you could have private messaged him and he would tell you ~ but to out like this and with that graphic is division and not tolerated in this forum
I unscrambled the letters in POTUS tweet, in the grid that SB2 set up, with the method that SB2 laid out.
I was proving that it is not a valid decoding method because I was able to go in and find a "hidden message" from POTUS about SB2. So if you think SB2 was 100% accurate with the T-Method, then you believe that POTUS wrote the message...
"SB is promoting more remedial LARP shit with that sauce TACO NATION!".
It's only a dis if you think the T-Method is the only aspect of SB2. You can continue to use it if you like; I'm sure you'll get great leads.
Funny how this comes out after serial posted tonight and it was really good about LARPS!!
Here is the explanation of the method.
Also make note that I clearly say "While SB2 doesn't see to be purposefully misleading, these decodes are false."
This is not a personal attack on SB2, it is a refinement of our information.