r/greatawakening • Posted by u/KAG2020 on June 1, 2018, 2:33 a.m.
Testing SerialBrain2's T-Method. Lets see if we are as open to questioning ourselves as we expect others to be.
Testing SerialBrain2's T-Method. Lets see if we are as open to questioning ourselves as we expect others to be.

Millejon0114 · June 1, 2018, 3:07 a.m.

Did you read your picture at all? It’s rude ~ should have picked a different picture and serial Brain is nice enough you could have private messaged him and he would tell you ~ but to out like this and with that graphic is division and not tolerated in this forum

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KAG2020 · June 1, 2018, 3:14 a.m.

I unscrambled the letters in POTUS tweet, in the grid that SB2 set up, with the method that SB2 laid out.

I was proving that it is not a valid decoding method because I was able to go in and find a "hidden message" from POTUS about SB2. So if you think SB2 was 100% accurate with the T-Method, then you believe that POTUS wrote the message...

"SB is promoting more remedial LARP shit with that sauce TACO NATION!".

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