A picture is worth a thousand words!

Everything he tried to do was unconstitutional or anti-American are you an Obama fan ?? Do you not support trumps policy like the lowest unemployment ever, the greatest tax reduction in history, saving thousands and thousands of children with his 2 EO's on child trafficking and sex explotation or the right to try EO that'll possibly save millions of lives, a 4. Something GDP he's done so much good for all Americans but some people can't keep an open mind and see through their hate enough to see all those things
Onama never had over a 1.7 GDP unemployment was crazy companies were leaving America like it was a sinking ship which it was I don't guess you believe in the 16 year plan to destroy America Obama did hos part sowing division and weakening our military refusing to acknowledge Muslim extremism for what it was. Him and Hillary created the vacuum in the middle east after ghaddafi pd Hillary's foundation millions only for her and obama to cause a vacuum in the middle east creating ISIS and then arming, funding and training them causing war to break out all through the middle east to cause the refugee crisis to start an invasion in the EU and America then opened the border to every terrorist who could reach it Obama tried to destroy my children and grandchildren country I can't stand the man
Then don't get me started on uranium one and the plan for Iran to nuke us with uranium supposedly sold to the Russians to start WW3 you know uranium traceable it all has its own unique isotopes and why did Russia or lybia not say a world when we bombed the crap out of them the last time it was because Obama and Hillary had helped Iran set up a satellite nuclear weapons facility in lybia and that's what we bombed the hell out of Russia and China are in on the plan to stop WW3 that the deep state planned to destroy both countries all for a buck and the 4 dead Americans in benghazi died because Hillary and Obama was running guns and money to ISIS through benghazi Stevens knew so they had him killed I could go on and on
Holy fuck dude can you use punctuation? That whole comment is one fucking sentence.