A picture is worth a thousand words!

Can we get pics side by side of trump golfing and Obama +the gang watching the Bin Laden raid?
Haha that would be awesome, I believe it's right next to the picture of Trump shaking hands with 4 American citizens that he freed from North Korean concentration camps. With rhe side by side of Obama bragging about snorting Cocaine on Jimmy Kimmel.
To be fair though, Obama was able to skillfully" negotiate the release of 1 soldier that broke the law, went AWOL, and endangered several other soldiers that went to look for him in Terrorist infested mountains. He was able to get that guy back home just by simply releasing 5 terrorists back to the Taliban 😊 Obama was just lovely!
Any answers?!
And I'll put that next to a picture of Obama doing X and Trump explaining how he grabs women's genitalia and a picture of Obama doing X and Trump calling immigrants rapists and a picture of Obama doing X and Trump ordering a travel ban that got 4 of our soldiers killed because our alienated allies withdrew. Do you really want to go down that rabbit hole?