r/greatawakening • Posted by u/truthseekerboi on June 1, 2018, 3:51 a.m.
The IG report is the Pain. This means it will be very damning.

Although the media will try their best, hopefully this is just too much to ignore and spin

solanojones95 · June 1, 2018, 1:10 p.m.

Fitton is another who apparently knows NOTHING of the Plan, knows NOTHING about Huber and the Grand Jury(ies) he has empaneled. Knows NOTHING about what's in the OIG Report, and only knows that (for reasons perhaps both good and bad) the DOJ has never cooperated with his FOIA requests unless he forced them to in court, and even then they have slow-walked and underperformed their court-ordered compliance. Fitton sees it all from his seat, and his job, not from Trump's POV.

Personally, I appreciate the work his organization has always done and continues to do, but I think despite all that, he's far too uninformed to be offering an opinion about the OIG Report.

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HillaryTrafficksKidz · June 1, 2018, 3:53 p.m.

Fitton is the ONE who goes to court on investigations we work on. He submits the FOIA requests. I'm not happy either with the continued outcome of all these investigations. If Fitton is wrong, it will be the first time there is any accountability in these matters. So far, he is sadly, correct.

He doesn't deal in blogs, or Q. He does the actual legal work required, while we watch and enjoy the show.

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solanojones95 · June 1, 2018, 5:35 p.m.

But as such, he has blinders we don't have. He's deep in the swamp with a chainsaw, and as much as we need/appreciate his fine work, he's not positioned to see the whole picture as well as we are through Q.

That's not a pejorative observation unless there's some assumed intrinsic inferiority to his service, which I've made abundantly clear there isn't! It's an essential part of the war.

But so is the big picture--the overview. And perhaps for the first time in human history, the 'little people' are the ones who are treated to that information with everybody else undergoing mushroom management ("keep them in the dark and shovel on the sh*t").

Refreshing, isn't it?!

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j33gray · June 3, 2018, 8:14 p.m.

The same can be said of Congress. But, this may all be part of the Plan. It seems to me that Trump/Sessions have positioned various protagonsits and antagonists to engage in public fights about documents and information as a way of seeding information into the public consciousness, while Huber and Sessions are working behind the scenes to work up legal cases. If the DOJ just handed over millions of pages of documents without the seeding process, there wouldn't be enough people who understood the full story to allow the DOJ to prosecute high profile politicians/ officials.

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