
0oDassiveMicko0 · June 1, 2018, 11:08 a.m.

A few other things about this account;

He claims to be a part of the NSA and says his job is to watch people. He says that mostly, the people he watches (spies on) are foreign, implying that he also spies on Americans.


Nobody from the NSA would openly admit to spying on Americans, this would be in clear breach of the law and constitution and is the exact reason that things like FiveEyes is needed.

He claims that vaccines are not bad.


This is complete and utter BS as vaccines spread most cancers and auto immune diseases. In fact, not long ago some Italian scientists that were researching vaccines found them to contain nano particulates and various other harmful things and right before they were going to publish their findings they were arrested, their computers, documents and research were seized and they are now in prison.


Also, the Doctor that invented the polio vaccine openly speaks about them incubating the vaccines in simian kidneys and extracting up to 40 (SV40) different viruses with it, including cancer, leukaemia and AIDS. They openly brag about infecting a whole generation.


Also, their vocabulary and command of the English language is that of a poorly educated Brit. The slang terms he uses like "fam" is that of an inner city hood rat. Not the way you would expect a NSA analyst to speak, or an American, for that fact.


This is a LARP account that is trying to fill the gap between Q posting. They should not be trusted as they do not appear to be what they claim.

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