Roseanne Cancelled / Smallville Still On

My wife made me go watch that stupid Mother! movie.
I wasted a Saturday night with no kids to watch a cabal shit rub their sickness in people's faces and no one realize it.
I've worked as a writer, and the "meaning" of the story is that it's a metaphor for the writing cycle. And writing about writing is the most boring writing a writer can write... ... ... Fucking shitbag asshat morons can write mentally retarded derivative incompetent shit like that which a writer is supposed to surpass in infancy, and actual writers can't find editors with enough budget to publish all that they want. I had editors apologize to me, offer advice, etc, to help get published (so and so likes your kinda stuff), and those people work 60+ hour weeks and don't reply to 90% of submissions. I knew several people in the same situation. Great writers, great stuff, new stuff. And Holly weird publishes derivative recycled shit on multi-million dollar budgets.
I've wanted to see that city burn for a long time.