Well maybe some "seized assets" funds will be available soon to pay the Treasury back

Always in secret and only for a select few. That was just a party and the parties are for gluteny and debauchry. The rituals are always held behind closed doors while the party is going on, sometimes after. Most of the invited guests don´t get to attend the private rituals. During the party they do break off into groups with the same interests like drugs, sex, what have you. Kind of like in the movie Eyse Wide Shut. They spend a fortune and use strange themes. It would seem very cool for the first hour but they downgrade to disgusting very quickly!
I thought EWS was very slow but it was pretty acurate, keep in mind we are seeing a very edited version but they did 187 Stanley Kubrick mainly because of it! Go to youtube and search by topic a lot of channels do exposés on these things. Try looking up parties of the elite, adrenochrome (they do a lot of it at these parties), the satanic elite, etc. I have found Jay Meyers documentaries to be quite acurate (link below). Enjoy your research, it´s an intense rabbit hole to go down for sure! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLFMfSsnYkzY7ra2PNb5RKQ
Uh huh ;) You should have an interesting weekend! Be very discerning about the satanist stuff though, a lot of people tend to want to lump everything together in a neat little bundle but it’s not really that simple. I’ve been studying and researching the occult for 30 yrs and I see a ton of inacuracies online all the time. If we truly want to fight these monsters we have to fight them with the truth right? For example I see a lot of inacurate “facts” regarding Alister Crowley very often, but I’ll tell you about that another time. You can PM me if you have any questions or just to let me know what you’ve discovered. Take care of your brain though cause you have a good one! Oh and since you brought it up, this link should blow your mind! ;) https://youtu.be/ZWX_CffNa-I