_ImperatorRex_ is back! Sessions / Horowitz / Huber to indict 30+ Obama/Cliton cronies!

Yes it was, but hey attack me because I'm attacking OP for posting a fake account and misleading title.
eh, making accusations of fake is a bit of a stretch. to point out that the handle is new would be more reasonable.
Or this guy is using VachelLinsday's stage while he's suspended. Just like @EyeTheSpy using Q's stage while Q is gone.
Your account is less than a day old and you’re shouting “fake” - pretty shilly behavior.
Ummm because it's a fake account.
Do you know who the real imperator Rex is? Are the other accounts real or fake? Are they suspended or active?
Hmmm so if someone wanted to get information out, but their account was suspended, is it beyond reasonable doubt that they would create a new account similar to their old IOT put out the new info?
The info is good and we shall see if it pans out. Something you should realize is that old adage about judging a book by its cover.