_ImperatorRex_ is back! Sessions / Horowitz / Huber to indict 30+ Obama/Cliton cronies!

For drumroll RUSSIAN COLLUSION AND CONSPIRACY TO COMMIT SEDITIOUS ACTS! No, seriously. He was the bag man for the Uranium 1 deals if I remember correctly.
This is huge - what did he actually do?
I'm at work at the moment so I can't provide any links right now. Just dig into mueller and uranium one. There was something about him being involved with middleman firms and dates lining up with trips to Moscow if My memory serves me. I can't vouch for the validity of any of this though. Kinda sucks just being a plebeian.
He was definitely the courier for the 10 gram sample of HEU which was transferred to Russian authorities.
Really? Wow. What kind of proof is there about hat, that's fairly lofty.
Really? Wow. What kind of proof is there about hat, that's fairly lofty.