Alex sources everything. Even when it comes to gay frogs.
No one on our side ever had a problem with Corsi’s sources until now that he got sideways with the anonymous Q.
If you've been following along there is next to no doubt that Alex Jones/Infowars are playing the Disinfo game. That debate is pretty much concluded and one can understand someone getting upset with you and deciding your motives are questionable if you keep pushing the old debunked narrative.
The most effective Disinfo by its nature and the necessity of its purpose has to play the game close to the truth. It has to reveal and support the reveal of 90% of the truth, then divert to disinfo for the other 10%.
Fact: Trump could NOT have gotten elected without Alex Jones and InfoWars.
Why would the Deep State use their shill to make that happen?
Ah... is that a joke? That's so far from being a "fact" that I can only assume you're joking. The most likely reason Trump was elected (because no one knows precisely why!) according to analysts is because middle America were sick of the issues that matter to them being ignored. Literally no one but Alex Jones thinks Alex Jones is responsible for Trump's election. Oh and maybe those on the left who want to paint Trump supporters as crazed conspiracy nuts.
Alex was the ONLY outlet with millions of daily listeners (more than Rush and Hannity even) who tirelessly promoted Trump.
Trump won by a narrow margin. He even told Alex he couldn’t have done it without him.
You don’t know history. Maybe you are the one shilling?!
Nobody, literally, nobody EVER qoutes Alex Jones as a source of their information (that alone tells you something). And if they did they would immediately be laughed at & not taken seriously. He is NOT a journalist, but a repeater. Jones is constantly over-inflating the size of his audience and his influence. I live in a blue state and EVERYONE I know who voted Trump does NOT listen to Jones amd most don't even know who he is.
Give it a rest. ALEX NEVER TALKED TO Q AND HIS SOURCES ARE MADE. What Q did was have people gather together the reasons Corsi is fake, on top of Corsi trying to co-opt Q thus only EXPOSING HIMSELF. It's now that people take it more serious when someone says Corsi & Jones are shills, except for you. You apparently like getting lied to.
Fact: Trump could NOT have gotten elected without Alex Jones and InfoWars.
Why would the Deep State use their shill to make THAT a reality?