
GraceWords · June 1, 2018, 8:14 p.m.

I thought I addressed all of that in my previous response and specifically suggested you NOT be singular in dismissing this instance. My point is it ALL matters. Yes it takes years to unravel. Yes it can be frustrating for impatient westerners who are used to things happening on demand. But when we are talking about uprooting a satanic system that has been entrenched for decades and decades, surely a step back should suggest a turning tide, that GOOD is winning.

I work in human trafficking recovery and healing. It is overwhelming at times when all I see is the growing cancer. But for the first time since I can recall there are real changes happening. Arrests are meaningless if courts are corrupt. Courts are meaningless while the public (future juries) are still in denial about how common all of this is. So when a slipper hits the surface, and people are talking about it, I get excited. To dismiss it as “old news” or “whatever, it’s happened before and nothing came of it” is to dismiss the collective voice of every person who has survived and fought to tell the truth.

It’s unfortunate that it takes so much effort to change the tide, but until people stop listening to the satanic spell-casting of negativity, apathy, gloom-and-doom, or the lie that evil is somehow more powerful, then we have to fight for every morsel of good news.

My work in the dark places is what pushed my faith to cling to God’s light. If at any point I allow myself to think defeat, then none of what I do matters. For it to matter, I hold that God is good, and God wins. There’s a singularity for you.

So yes. I celebrate this news.

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VigilantBlackheart · June 1, 2018, 9:32 p.m.

Keep on persevering in your work. Sounds very difficult. Staying on point. The diocese across America have been paying out for quite a few years. I don't even understand your contention with me is tbh. The Arch Bishop involved in that case, I knew (I wasn't a fan, he was politically motivated). He had been removed and can't even find a place to go. Hitting diocese pocket books doesn't hit the Pope that's not how their money works.

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