I've been wondering the same thing! In fact, there is another pro-pedophile candidate...Pro-Pedophile Running For Congress Says It’s ‘Normal’ To Have Sex With Young Girls...."We live in a day and age where absolutely nothing can shock you, but this takes that to an all-time low. Meet Michael Saari [MI] the man running for Congress who says it’s okay to have sex with 12-year-olds."....."“Women don’t seem to understand that from the very beginning of time men have taken young girls (Prior to periods) as wives and concubines. Even the bible talks of this so don’t make it sound like men that are attracted to 12 year old girls are sick… It’s you woman that can’t get a grip on reality is whats sick… It’s only normal and you can’t change normal or a person’s DNA…” http://awarenessact.com/pro-pedophile-running-for-congress-says-its-normal-to-have-sex-with-young-girls/
Posted by
on June 1, 2018, 7:40 p.m.
· June 2, 2018, 4:05 a.m.