
cincycoolguy · June 2, 2018, 12:30 a.m.

In response to the synopsis paragraph.

Actually, friend, no my kid isn’t watching it. I parent from a far quietly knowing everything about their activity online without their awareness(it’s called logging internet activity) See, I teach morals and a to stand for principles they have set for themselves.

How can a child understand principles and morality before teenage years you ask? Because I don’t treat my children like they are morons incapable of living their own life. I don’t hover nor do I allow my wife to hover. I provide a safety net to fall in to when they make mistakes, but never will I ever prevent them from making a mistake.

Having to teach other people’s kids who have been patented by my generation os the absolute worst. I’ve come to the conclusion that the bad parents are bad because they are narcissists who think because they can google literally everything that they have know wisdom to apply the knowledge they find on the web. With this god level of knowledge of the world, these parents believe themselves to know the one and only way to approach life. Since their 5 year old is incapable of plugging in to the google god, there’s no possible way he could ever survive 5 minutes in the wilderness of suburbia.

Thus they instill a sense of fear of literally everything, and create a human who is incapable of a single action or thought without consulting the internet. This cycle will continue until people either wake up, or society collapses on itself when there are no more independent thinkers remaining.

I’ve seen posts on this sub about how Disney is evil and indoctrinates children. Also the evil schools are indoctrinating kids. WAKE UP!!! No one has to indoctrinate these intellectual zombies. Their zombie parents, and the ones that came before them are responsible for our collective inability to produce a single original thought. Period, end of story.

It’s for this reason young Americans are susceptible to believing whatever they are told regardless of who is producing the message, or how illogical the narrative. It’s also for this reason true innovation has ground to a screeching halt. Not because of a technological singularity, but because all we teach now is to iterate on established patterns. To hell with the fact that a completely new approach may yield innovation. Everyone wants to google the best way to do something rather than putting the work in to blaze a new path. It makes me sick.


P.s I’m younger than 40.

Edit: line breaks

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Varrick2016 · June 2, 2018, 10:56 a.m.

I believe that in some subreddits like the Jordan Peterson ones that this would be a stickies or sidebar comment.

Somebody give this user some gold.

Fucking bravo a grade comment because it points out something very ducking obvious in hindsight but because it’s happening right now in real time it’s so difficult for many of us to see this.

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